Chapitre 3- A Nun and meet the devils

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Time:8 A.M

Adam watching the nun wondering her magic while Issei start to drooling at her again

Adam*thought*:She has the same power like Issei but she don't have devil or fallen angel magic.

Adam snapped back in to the reality and noticed Issei drooling he slap the back of head causing Issei to come back to his sense

Adam*whisper*:You better help her and stop drooling before i crush your balls.

Issei hearing this immediatly stoped and went to help her

Issei:A-Are you Alright?

Issei extent his hand and the nun grab it and pull her up

???:Thank you.

Then a gust of wind blow her veil and took off her hoddie revealing her blonde hair

Adam catch her veil and give her back

???:Thank you so much.

Adam:Your welcome.

Issei:Well,the weather's really nice today and--

Adam:I'm going to stop you right here before a plane crash on us,My name is Adam the person next to me that start this hopeless conversation with you is Issei.

Issei:Hey!Why are not helping me.

Asia:My name is Asia Argento sorry for not introduce myself.

Adam:Not need to worry nice to meet you Asia.

Asia:*twiddles her fingers*I got lost and i need help to find my way.

The three start to walk around

Issei:You are a tourist or something?

Asia:No.I have been appointed to this towns church.

Issei:So you are a nun.That explain the look.

Asia:I'm just glad i was able to meet kind people as you guys

Asia turn to them and smiled

Asia:It must've been divine guidance.


Issei then noticed the cross on her chest and turn around and look else where Asia and Adam noticed this

Asia:What's the matter?


Adam*thought*:I can already feel something warning him about her...It must be somesort of devil instincts tell him to stay away if that is the case then he already feel my power not only him but Momo and maybe Saji as well after the comment he made yestarday.

Then three heard crying they looked and noticed a little boy crying over scrape on his knee.Asia then rushed to the boy

Asia:Don't cry,it's just scrape.You're a boy,after all.

Asia hand start to glow above the scrape and start to heal

Issei:H-His wound.

Issei feel a same of pain on his left hand while Adam watched

Adam*thought*:So Asia has sacred gear can heal wounds...Not only that but confirmed that Issei can feel magic around him of his devil instincts.

Asia:There you go all the better now.

Asia look at them

Asia:Sorry force of habit.

Adam:I'm heading to the academy we start to get late...Issei take care of her and show her the way.

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