twenty-four ; Your Knight In Uncomfortable Loafers

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TW: mentions of abuse


"I'm just saying, you should be proud of being someone's gay awakening. From your perspective, I think it should be flattering." Donghyuck smiles teasingly at Jaemin. "How often does something like this happen to you?"

"Not often, thank god." Jeno interjects from where he lays across Jaemin's lap to roll his eyes. His eyes fall closed when Jaemin's fingers move to comb through his hair. "I've got enough to worry about with women wanting him, I can't fight off guys too."

"And you won't have to." Jaemin reassures him with a kiss on his forehead. Jeno beams, peeking his eyes open to pucker his lips at him again for another kiss. Jaemin obliges, kissing his forehead, nose and then his lips with a smile.

Donghyuck gags, amusement shining in his eyes as he nudges his foot against Jeno's thigh. "Get a room."

"Jaemin likes—" Jeno laughs, the sound being cut off in a hiss from Jaemin tugging on his hair. He meets his boyfriend's glare with a grin. "Do it again, I liked it."

"I seriously didn't need to know that." Mark groans, hiding his face in Donghyuck's shoulder. Donghyuck sits between Mark's legs with his back to his chest. Donghyuck knocks his head against Mark's lightly, just enough to get his attention. He copies Jeno's actions from before, puckering his lips at him and Mark kisses him softly. He pulls away moments later, his cheeks flushed pink when he looks away. Donghyuck laughs, oddly content instead of being disturbed by their public display.

He's yet to confess his feelings for Mark. A small part of him thinks Mark already knows how he feels about him. It would be easier that way, if he didn't have to admit his feelings aloud and they could just continue the way things are now. But he also knows, from mulling over the thought, that voicing his feelings isn't just confirmation for Mark, but it would be a major step for him. He already thinks he's come so far with just being comfortable with his attraction to Mark, and that's a milestone all on its own. He's still got a long way to go, he knows that, but even doing something as simple as letting Mark hold and kiss him—in public—doesn't make him as nauseous to think about as it would've at one time.

The four of them are sitting on the lawn at the main entrance of campus. It's a beautiful day, sunny and breezy enough for the partial cloud cover to help keep them cool. They're done with classes for the day, taking the time to wind down outdoors to enjoy the weather.

It was really Jaemin's idea, and while it was obvious they'd rather do something else, no one argued with him.

The buzzing of his phone at an incoming call steals Donghyuck's attention away from Mark. There's a faint smile on his lips before he glances at the screen of his phone, a groan being pulled from his lungs when he realizes who is calling him. He starts to silence the call, leaning further into the warmth of Mark's body when Mark stops him.

"If you put it off now, they'll just call you another time." He warns him softly, dropping a kiss to the shell of his ear. Donghyuck shudders at the action. "Better to get it over with now than deal with it later."

Donghyuck looks to Jaemin and Jeno to find matching expressions that show they agree with Mark. He tells himself that they're right because he knows his parents are nothing if not persistent, but it doesn't make him feel any better.

He nods and feels Mark moving away when he tries to answer the phone. He turns to face him with a frown. "What are you doing?"

"I figured you'd want some privacy." Mark responds softly.

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