That same night, Mark—to no one's surprise—is back at Jaemin's home with the rest of his friends.
Mark, Jeno and Lucas hadn't been in the home for a second before Jaemin began his interrogation to make sure everything was okay with Mark and his family.
They're well underway with explaining that Mark's situation was taken care of when Donghyuck comes bounding down the stairs. Renjun isn't far behind, taking his time to reach the group standing near the door several seconds after Donghyuck had already done so.
Mark smiles at the sight of him, cue Jeno and Renjun rolling their eyes. Mark opens his arms to hug Donghyuck in greeting, but Donghyuck's expression hardens at the redness of Mark's eyes.
"Why the fuck have you been crying?"
Mark drops his arms with an amused sigh. "Asking if I'm okay works too, Hyuck-ah."
Donghyuck's expression sours further, but he doesn't bring up the question again. Mark tries for an embrace again and this time Donghyuck steps into his awaiting arms. He sighs, sagging against Mark's chest in content. No one moves to break them up, though Jaemin has to slap a hand over Jeno's mouth to keep him from groaning aloud.
"Are all of you staying the night again?" Jaemin asks but he already knows the answer. Renjun had already made himself comfortable in Jaemin's guest room, and judging by the bags Mark brought with him, he wouldn't be getting rid of him anytime soon either. Jeno staying was also a given since, much like Donghyuck, he practically lived there. The only one he was unsure about was Lucas.
"I have a breakfast date in the morning so if I end up staying I'll probably be gone before you guys wake up." Lucas informs them.
"Speaking of dates," Jeno drawls, turning on Lucas with his brows furrowed. "What happened with that date you had not too long ago?"
Beside Lucas, Renjun perks up at the question, his blank expression watching the nervousness flash across Lucas' face before he responds.
"Why are you asking now?"
Jeno shrugs. "You never brought it up again."
"It went great." Renjun says to everyone's surprise. "They had dinner, he got blown, and they rode off into the sunset together. The end."
"How could you possibly know that?" Jaemin asks.
Renjun's blank expression gives way to a smile while Lucas' entire face flushes bright red. "I blew him."
Donghyuck, who had been listening to the conversation unfold with his face remaining tucked against Mark's chest, turns to stare at Lucas and Renjun with wide eyes. "You did what?"
"I said I bl—"
"It was a rhetorical question." Donghyuck silences him with a slight shake of his head. "So are you two a thing now or what?"
"Yes." "No." Lucas and Renjun answer simultaneously.
Four sets of eyes blink at them as the duo turn to stare at one another.
"How are we dating when we haven't asked each other out yet?" Renjun narrows his eyes at Lucas, ignoring the four staring at their interaction.
"You said you were looking for a boyfriend. I thought it was implicit."
"It was one date, and you didn't even kiss me at the end of it." Renjun argues.
"Hold please." Jaemin gestures to the two of them with wide eyes. "You two went on a date," he turns back to Renjun. "And you're saying he didn't even kiss you, but you gave him head anyway?"