Motion of the Ocean

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Welcome back to my prequel. We are going into the east China sea Baby! Im sure you guys who were following this thought that I was never going to update this, well your wrong. I finish everything I Write.

Nightfall was... well... enjoying himself to say the least. Sitting at the bottom of the East China sea while the Milk Sharks were swimming bye him. Bouncing his head to the music he was listening to that was built into his suit. Currently listening to a new album called, "Ride the Lightning" from the fresh and upcoming band "Metallica".

The song that was playing was called "Call of Ktulu. He had read some of H.P. Lovecraft's books, and he thought that Metallica had captured the feel of the terror of Ktulu perfectly.

He was currently sitting on top of a coral reef, waiting for a Russian aircraft carrier to go over him, on its way back to the mainland to refuel. Imagine not having nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

Call of Ktulu was coming to an end, and the next song was about to start. He liked to listen to new albums in reverse.

The moment the new song came on, a shadow was being cast over him. Looking up, it was the carrier. Going right over him.

The new song was now in full swing, starting up. He memorized the song names in order and knew this song was called "Creeping Death". What a fitting song title for what was about to happen.

He sprang off the bottom of the ocean floor, rapidly shooting up. Eventually bursting out of the water into the starry night sky. Immediately taking in the sight of the Russian aircraft carrier "Minsk". A Kiev class carrier.

They weren't very big like the carrier he used to live on, but they were very well-armed.

It wasn't the Kuznetsov like he was hoping for, but it will have to do. He had to work quickly before people knew what was going on.

Night slammed down onto the deck, getting to work quickly by swiping people off the ship into the pitch-black waters. The Russians not even knowing what hit them.

Night felt something hitting his back. Turning around he saw a single person shooting him with their pistol. The poor soul.

Nightfall laughed, grabbed the Russian, and threw him off the carrier.

He looked at the deck of the carrier and saw a single Yak-38, tied down but ready for emergencies.

Nightfall jumped over to the jet and ripped off one of its main wings.

He threw the wing like a big metal frisbee of death right into the superstructure of the carrier, starting a fire.

Night could now hear alarms and people yelling. Having to hurry before they maned the guns on the ship, or other ships came to intercept.

Looking down the runway, he knew from experience that they were practically fireproof, but underneath the tarmac, not so much.

He powered up his armor and ripped a hole on the flight deck with his now metal claws, being able to see the hangar underneath. He took a deep breath and spewed flames into the room below, lighting everything underneath on fire. The jet's ammo in the hangar starting to go off causing even more destruction.

Night's head shot up when he heard a loud horn blast. Looking out in the distance he saw a Sovremenny class Destroyer speeding its way over to the carrier trying to intercept it.

He could hear more explosions coming from inside the carrier. He knew that the carrier was going to go down. The bombs would go off before too long from the heat below. But the destroyer on its way was a problem for him. He could easily get away, but he couldn't be discovered, not yet anyway. There could be no survivors.

Nightfall ripped off the other wing of the Yak and threw it into the bridge of the carrier, making it unusable. The carrier's fate was now sealed in blood.

He was now thinking in overdrive, the destroyer was just a few hundred yards away, and now should be able to easily see him.

Night looked back at the jet and had an idea. He ripped the glass off the cockpit and quickly started the engines, letting them spin up to life, and quickly sped the engines up to their max speed.

Nightfall used the strength in his armor and picked the jet up, him flying with it. He hit the afterburners in the jet and waited for it to gain full speed.

Nightfall was working his way toward the destroyer, carrying the jet underneath him.

He was right in front of the carrier and dropped the jet. The jet acted like a supersonic javelin and went straight through the hull of the destroyer. The jet exploded inside the hull, the destroyer exploding with it, quickly sinking.

Nightfall quickly shot up into the air, not wanting to be close to it so he didn't get hit by any shrapnel.

Hovering in the air, he looked down at both of the ships, both of them burning and surely done. They would both be at the bottom of the sea in minutes.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, leaving the area knowing his work was done for the month. Heading home to give his report.

I know this is a short chapter, but that is how a lot of these chapters will be for this story. This is just a side project for me. I love this story, but this is just where I write for fun and only for fun. I still have a lot of ideas for it. I am going to give a lot of fan theories on this fic. Like the start of all the tribes, how they got their powers, and the like.

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