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1980, Russia announced that they were now at war With America and all of its allies, Russia's allies were soon to join up with them. Russia declared that it was a war on the poison of "Capitalism", but everybody knew they were just greedy. It didn't take long for Russia to attempt an invasion of Alaska. The world was shocked at how quickly Russia was able to assemble its forces and even more so when they almost took it, they made it all the way to the capital of Alaska, they were finally pushed out of Alaska when Japan entered the war and started to attack from behind. The war is now to the Pacific theater, Russia knew now, if they wanted to strike at America, they need to conquer Japan first. It didn't take long to bring Japan to its knees, they were still recovering from the defeat from World War 2. Japan eventually had to surrender its mainland, even with the help of America's vastly superior carrier fleet. Japan is now nothing but scattered islands now. That was two years ago, the war for Japan still rages on, now the battles are nothing but tiny skirmishes all around the pacific. No side has been able to get any headway... But America has a plan...

Get out of my way!" I yell at the incoming missile, heading straight for me. I jerk the control stick to the left and up, making my plane dodge just in time to dodge the missile, seeking the heat of my jet's engine.

My F-14 goes back into supersonic mode by sweeping its wings back. I blast right by the Mig-29 that tried to shoot me down.

I kept on heading for where I was going. I knew that the Mig-29 was nowhere fast enough to catch up to me.

I kept on listening to the radio that the ground troops were relaying to me. They were still under fire from an unknown Russian attack helicopter. They were pinned down in a bunker that they were raiding, it was supposed to have some blueprints from some of China's tanks that they were trading to Russia.

I quickly turned off the radio when I started to hear my lock-on detection start to hum at me. I jerked my head all different ways trying to find out where the lock on was coming from, it didn't matter. As my warning system started beeping at me rapidly, warning me of incoming destruction if I didn't do something RIGHT NOW!

I quickly jerk my jet straight to the right, dumping flares while doing so. I leveled my jet back out and I saw a missile go straight up under from where I was just at.

"Fucking SAM turrets!" I push my control stick down heading for the top of the trees, dumping even more flares along the way just to make sure.

Once I stopped hearing the Hum of my warning system I finally calmed down.

"I swear, the information headquarters are about brain dead" I muttered. "How did they not know about them?" My co-pilot asked me. "Not a clue," I answer back.

I should be coming up to my target any minute now.

I switched my radio back on to see if the captain of the ground squad was still relaying the location of the helicopter... nothing but static. I quickly turn on my end of the mic. "This is Black Leader, I am about on sight of the location of the target, I need to know where my target is?" Over."

I waited with bated breath... there was no answerback...

"God... DAMMIT! I'm too late!" If I was told about the SAM turret before I left, I would have made it on time.

I could start to see smoke on the horizon.

I wasn't going to let those men die for nothing...

When I was about 10 miles out from the bunker, I brought my plane out of supersonic mode by slowing the engines down, then letting the wings on my F-14 sweep out.

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