how's the budget?

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Ayo! New year, not a new me because I never change! Not for you, not for them, not even for me BABY! Onto the chapter!

When Night was still a human, he had been in a ton of meetings for all sorts of things.

Mission briefings, lectures about China and Russian jets, lectures on new additions to his tomcat, reports for missions, reports about his tomcat, test reports when he was helping test the Black Bird, press conferences about his time in the Navy Air Force and being an ace, all sorts of things.

He has never been in a meeting like this...

His month-long test tour was over, so he was back to give his report. Apparently, this meeting was serious... probably even more serious than the Black Bird project.

The president, the Minister of Defense, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were all here for this meeting. So, Security was at the max.

Jets were constantly flying overhead every few minutes, helicopters were constantly patrolling the perimeter of the compound.

He wasn't allowed out of his hanger, and nobody was allowed in.

Even the guards weren't allowed to see him, or the secret service members that guarded the President. He could hear everybody outside.

Night had got here last night, waking up the science team and Dave was happy to see that he was still alive and in one piece.

He was dead tired when he made it back, flying all the way from one of the remote Islands near Hawaii, all the way to Nevada back to where his compound was.

The moment he made it back, he went straight to sleep while the team informed the Pentagon that the president and staff were needed.

The same dream he had in Midway happened to him again tonight. The same dream with the weird voice. If it happens again, he is going to have to start asking questions to the team.

He already knew that this meeting was going to go well. If he didn't get some positive feedback after crippling Guam enough for America to capture it and sinking a carrier, then the whole system was rigged for him to fail.

It was starting to get louder outside when he heard some vehicles pull up to the front of the hangar, they must be here.

Dave walked up beside Night. He was required to be here for this since he was the head of the science team.

"You ready Night?" Dave asked him.

Night gave a nod, "It should all go well, I have nothing but good to talk about,"

The lights to the hanger went off, and the personal door started to open. He knew why they turned off the lights, only the people who were allowed were able to see him.

Three people walked in, he recognized all of them. Ronald Regan, Caspar Weinberger the Minister of Defense, and John Vessey the Chairman of Chief Joint Staff.

Night was able to see them with his superior night vision and he was able to see that they were looking around frantically in the dark for something...

They were looking for him...

The door shut behind the three and the lights came on in the room.

The party of three gasped at the large dragon in front of them. All of them both shocked and scared at the large dragon covered in midnight sky scales.

Nightfall stood up from where he was sitting, making the three back up even more from just how BIG he was.

Nightfall raised one of his talons to the president.

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