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꧁ The balcony ꧂

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꧁ The balcony ꧂

"You wanna fight right?" Kazutora taunted, flicking his cigarette onto the bathroom floors.

Baji leant back against the sickly green tiles coating the walls, scowling at his old gangmate who had recently been released from juvie. "Not here, we need to set it up." he scoffed.

Hanma laughed, "Set it up? You mean like a date?"

"Here's the deal" Draken walked into the centre of the floor, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're fighting for your territory. You win and we keep clear out of your way. But we win? We'll keep comin and you Valhalla lot make like rats and skedaddle." He pointed a thumb over his shoulder.

The air turned bitter, Hanma sending a sour look to the tattooed boy.


"The river." Draken held out a hand towards him. "Midnight tomorrow."

Without hesitation, Hanma shook his hand, running his tongue over his teeth.

Smiley spoke up from the corner, his everlasting grin widening ever so slightly at his question. "What about knives?"

The single comment seemed to cause an outburst, two of the valhalla members had to hold Kazutora back from approaching the curly haired boy, who simply laughed to himself at the argument he had began.

Hanma took in Kazutora's reaction and decided for himself. "It's better without knives."

The boys shook hands once more at the agreement and the group of Valhalla boys began to leave the scene, Baji sending Kazutora another spiteful look before he walked through the door.

"DRAKEN! Those punks sleep with their switchblades between their teeth! They ain't gonna leave their knives at home!" Baji angered, grabbing Draken by the shoulders and shaking him ever so slightly.

Draken was about to answer him but his words retreated once the door opened again. The three Toman boys watched as Hanma Shuji entered the room once again, leaning himself up against the doorframe with one arm. " Your 'friendly' friend" he began. " Will i see him tomorrow night?"

"You bet your ass" Draken snarled, his hand going to Baji's shoudler.

"Tell him..."


Hanma smirked, placing a hand onto his hip. "Tell Mikey I look forward to seeing him."

꧁ ꧂

Mikey walked the lone night streets in sadness. Just minutes ago he had fled the dance to follow that mysterious girl he had met. The mysterious girl he had kissed. Y/n.

But with no sight of her, the boy ended up in the middle of no where. The blue of the moon shadowed upon him as continued his walk to wherever. Each step he took all he could think about was that name.


He hadn't realised he had been repeating it over and over until a moody old woman began shouting at him through her window to 'shut up' and that 'people were trying to sleep at this time of night'. That made his mood even worse.

The blonde began to make his way away from the block of apartments in fear that the old woman may strike again but his feet finally stopped once he heard that angelic voice that had had been running through his mind.


She stood on the fire escape balcony, staring down at him, white dress still hugging her body. He smiled, walking closer.

"It's me!"

"Are you Crazy?!" she yelled in a whisper, glancing around to check no one was there. "You can't be here!"

Mikey ignored her comment, mouth widening into a boyish grin. "Come down! Meet me on the corner."

"No! You have to go away." Her voice faltered slightly, her eyes once again scanning the surroundings.

"Then can I come up?" The boy asked, nodding towards the sets of black fire escape ladders that connected each balcony.

She shook her head quickly, placing both hands down onto the cold railings. "My brother is so angry right now, he might-"

He waved a hand in the air, flashing her another toothy grin. "Don't worry about that, i'll make him like me. Everybody does."

"There's nobody that everyone likes."

"Yeah... But as long as you like me I'm okay with that!"

Was this boy stupid? What was he doing roaming the streets in the middle of the night around Valhalla territory, let alone trying to climb up to her window like in those far fetched romance movies.

Her bright eyes widened as he pulled off his jacked, approaching the balconies. Grabbing the first set of railings he pulled himself up, stepping on the next set to kick himself higher.

"Y/n! We're home!"

She began to panic, pulling open the curtains sliding through her open window to approach her bedroom door. Yuzuha walked through the hallway sending her a smile before telling her to get a good nights rest. She sent her a smile in return before closing her door and going back outside.

She glanced to her left side, noticing the boy was no longer climbing her balcony. The h/c took a few steps closer to the edge before leaning over the railings, thinking maybe he had finally left.


She jumped when two hands were placed on her shoulders, turning around in an instant. Mikey laughed, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her closer, making sure there was no way she could fall.

"Are you crazy! I thought I told you that-"

"Run away with me."

She looked into his eyes in an attempt to read him but alas, she couldn't help but giggle at his abrupt proposal.

"I-I'm being serious don't laugh!"

She tapped him gently on the nose before escaping his grasp, walking over to lean against the wall. "Maybe tomorrow I'll run away with you." She smirked.

"Deal. Tomorrow 2pm, Shibuya station"

Her eyes widened in amusement, she thought he was joking. But hey. The more she thought about it, she wouldn't mind leaving all this gang nonsense behind. She observed his features as he swung a leg over the railings and prepared himself to start the climb back down.

"What's your name?" She asked, all hints of entertainment leaving her face.

Mikey, seeing her soft doe eyes widen, began to smile once more. "Mikey."

She took a few steps closer to the boy - Mikey. His name didn't match his face. His name sounded almost foreign " What does Mikey stand for?"

"Manjiro, Manjiro Sano."

She placed her hands atop of his that were gripping the railing.
"Goodnight, Manjiro."

"Goodnight Y/n."

He leant forward placing a delicate kiss onto her cheek before beginning his descent to the street below.

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