A woman runs down the castles long hallway carrying a bundle of towels. She keeps running until she gets to the bottom of the hallway and enters the room at the end. She swings the door open and another woman's scream echoes through the whole room and out the hallway.
The woman hands the towels to a man and smiles "is there anything else you need?" The man shakes his head and grabs a towel "just need the midwife now." The woman nods her head agreeing before stepping back "yes your majesty."
The same woman runs back towards the door and opens it "the midwife is here your majesty." She looks down the hallway as a woman rushes down the long narrow hallway and into the room carrying a large bag "I'm here!" She closes the door behind her and the echoes continue to scream through the whole castle.
The man opens the balcony door and smiles at everyone standing below "it's a girl!" The crowd all cheer and a banner goes over 2 poles with the words 'welcome to the world Princess!' The man heads back inside and kisses the woman "you did good honey." The woman hands the baby girl to the man "she is perfect."
The midwife checks over the woman before handing her some pills "these will help with the afterpain Queen Amelia." The Queen nods slowly and smiles "thank you." The midwife nods firmly before leaving the door.
The King looks at the baby in his hand "so any name ideas yet?" The woman takes the pills and shakes her head "not yet but I'm sure whatever we pick will be perfect." The Queen lays down and shakes her head "she is perfect isnt she?" The King looks at her and nods slowly "she is."
He walks towards her and kisses her forehead "get some rest and I will wake you up in a few hours with a nice freshly made ?" The Queen nods slowly and smirks "that sounds perfect." She places her hand on the baby "make sure she is ok, ok?" The King kisses her hand and nods firmly "always." The Queen nods slowly and smiles "good." She closes her eyes and after a few seconds she falls asleep.
The King looks at the baby girl in his arms and smirks "lets go see your future kingdom." He walks towards the door and quietly closes it behind him before walking down the long narrow hallway. He walks into a large baby nursery and opens a balcony door "this is your kingdom, your home." He overlooks the whole village and smiles "and one day you will rule it all."
The Dragon Queen
Fantasy• If you notice any errors then please let me know! Evil killer dragons in the mountains, a folks tail or just a simple bedtime story the hunters would tell the towns folk. How much of it was true? With no hard evidence or no one ever seen these dr...