Chapter three

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What the hell. I open my eyes just enough to see that my phone is next to me and is lighting up with a call, who is calling me at this time at nigh. I slowly pick the thing up and see that it is my dad that is calling, what can he want.

"Have you found me a second wife already." I asked not hiding my sleep filled voice.

"Good morning son." He said with a strained voice, he is pissed about something. I am as sure that it has to do with a little woman that I saw last night. "Do you want to tell me how it went last night."

"Not really I want to sleep." I said while rolling back over.

"This is not a joking matter!" Dad yelled from down the line. Once upon a time dads yells would have scared me half to death but now they have no affect on me, I guess it is over exposure. "You could have ruined everything last night. What where you thinking being rude to her."

"Rude to her." I said with a scoff. "She was rude to me. She ignored me and when she did talk to me she was snapping at me!" I shouted back.

"You need to apologise, now."

"No fucking way." I said pulling the phone away from mw ear to protect them from the next shouting match. I can't believe after what happened last night he still expects me to marry that witch, this marriage is doomed to fail.

"You will apologise, this is what is good for the family now get your head out of your ass and go and say sorry to your wife, you fucking child!" Dad yells and I hang up. This is nothing that can't wait until I have had a bit more shut eye.

This house is massive. I have just got to Tyra's house and it is one of the biggest I have ever seen. I knew that her family had money but with this amount you could never spend it in once life time. The interior still looks like it would have four hundred years ago. This looks absolutely astonishing, I can kind of see why she is such a brat, just because I can understand why she is one doesn't give her the right to be one.

One of the guards shows me the way, a fucking guard. It is a long twisty house that makes my head spin, but really who needs a house this big.

"She is in there." The guard said in a gruff voice. Man this guy is massive.

I pier round to see her. She is in a Jim, it has all of the exercise equipment you could ever want, you can work out your hole body and more, we have nothing like this at home, but the sight of this is making my mouth water. She is stood in the middle of the room. She has a punching bag in front of her. She looks more like the woman that I saw on the photos now, she looks more toned and tanned. She is hitting at with all of her might and it is almost swinging off the chain, she looks amazing. With every hit she it isn't just her fist that  is moving, it is her hole body. She steps into the punch perfectly and steps out of it textbook. She moves like she has been training all her life and if she is anything like the rest of us, she has.

The sight of her doing all of this sends a sudden rush of blood down to my cock. I can imagine her using that body to bounce up and down on my cock, the faces she would makes as we both come together. My cock stiffens and I turn and run out, why did she have to look so beautiful. I run out to my car and deal with the problem growing between my legs, if I feel this much by just looking at her, what is it going to be like when I first get to touch her, feel her, be in her.

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