Chapter eight

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The rest of the wedding passed by in a blur of my mother telling me to smile and me not being able to stop my self from looking over at Mike. It definitely wasn't the wedding of my dreams. But it was better than I imagined when I was first told that I would be getting married to someone I didn't know. I was thinking about what happened in the wedding. The man who I thought hated me, he helped me walk down the aisle. Eather tge would was playing a sick joke or this marriage wasn't going to be as bad as I thought.

"I noticed that you didn't eat much are you okay." He asked when we got back to our room. It was beautiful. The honeymoon sweet had everything that a new couple would need, it's such a shame that we are not like most new couples. Everything in the room was white, the duvet, the curtains, the walls and even the carpets. The only things in the room that weren't white were rose petals, scattered across the room, leading to the bed. Just one bed.

" yes I am fine, just tired." He looks at me like he doesn't believe me but before he can ask me any more questions I change the subject. " I haven't had a chance to say this yet, but thank you for walking me down the aisle I wouldn't of made it down there without you." He looks at me shocked, we are being nice to each other. This is new territory.

"Urr, yeah no problem. You looks like you're about to poo yourself so me being the knight in shining armour I had to save you."


"Your Prince Charming." He smiles, like properly smiles, like the first time that I saw him. It's a smile that does weird things to me, I had no clue that one smile go straight down into my heart, and make an imprint there. "Do you wonna know someone weird. We've just been married and we don't know a single thing about each other."

"Yes that's what tends to happen when you're in and arrange marriage. A lot of times they would meet for the first time a few hours or even sometimes during the wedding. And then afterwards they would have everyone in the court watch them have sex for the first time, if they where royalty." it goes silent after that. Neither of us have discussed whether we would be doing anything tonight.

"Okay but I would still love to know something about you." He asked with puppy dog eyes that are hard to say no to.

"What do you want to know." I asked cautiously, I don't want him to know too much about me. I don't know why but the idea of that scares me what if he doesn't like what he knows what he thinks that what I like is weird, I have no clue where the sudden need for him to like me it's come from, but unfortunately it's there.

"What's your favourite colour." He asks with another one of those smiles on his face.

"Is that important." He nods and gives me a look that makes me laugh. It was telling me that my question was stupid and there's nothing else in this world, that is more important. "Umm I guess my favourite colour is yellow." His smile become so much bigger.

"Why." He asks moving to the bed and patting the space next to him for me to sit down.

"I don't know. It's really not that deep. I've just always liked the colour yellow. Or Mike what's your favourite colour." I say as I decide to take the space next to him.

"easy, pink. And the reason is that is fuck gender stereotypes. In the agency's training Academy, I was always told that I had to be manly and now that I am out and free I can do what ever the hell I want to." He gave me another huge smile then drops on his back crushing some of the petals. "Your turn." He says.

"My turn to what."

"Ask me a question, make it a good one."

"Are we playing twenty questions now."

"I guess we are." I lay back with him and try to think of a question.

"How many kills do you have." I ask.

"Oh come on really, why are you asking about work, do you not want to tell me about your life." I'm not about to tell him that he is right. I don't want to talk to him about my life. It all feels to personal, too invasive.

" I answered your dumb question."

" my question was a dumb." He sounded like a child. " fine okay, I'll play along. I've got 42 kills. What about you."

" 129." I answer straight away. And a lot of work. I don't see what the point is to tiptoe around your kills. You have to kill if you want to save.

" damn girl, and you have a good."

"Oh you looked me up." I asked surprised.

" yeah of course, I need to know who it is I'm sharing a bed with." He makes me laugh again. "Why did you get married to me, you could have said no." He jumps right into his question. And it's in the question that I don't want to answer. I don't wanna tell him about how my father left my family bankrupt. It feels embarrassing. I don't understand why he wants to know all this deep stuff with me. Can't he just leave it as we got married were going to get along end of story. Why does he need to know the inner workings of my mind.

"Why does to matter." I say as I get up and go to the window. I really hope this gets me out of telling him why I married him.

" Whoa what's wrong." He asks coming up behind me and putting his arms round me. In his embrace, I've never felt safer. He's not that much taller than me but somehow this height difference makes me feel cocooned in, I've never felt like this in my life. I breathe in his scent before answering. It smells like chopped wood.

"nothing, I just-" for some reason, I can't get my words out of my throat, they seem lodged in there. I can't express that I don't want to tell him why I got married to him, and it's something I utterly don't understand.

" Okay bee." I am taken aback by the name. He looks down at me with a smile. "Bees are yellow, and they don't sting with out reason, on second thought, maybe I should call you wasp because they sting for no reason."

"Hey that's mean."

"I am sorry bee." He looked at me with a look in his eye that I couldn't place, it kind of looked like love but that could be right, maybe I actually had a bee on my face. But before anything else can happen, I move away from him. I don't like the look in his eye, it scares me to death.

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