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The day started out with hiding from the sun and the three girls, faded into adopting a puppy and kitten then getting lunch, their afternoon was spent by getting their new companions treats, toys and other necessities, making dinner with soft—but slightly sexual— kisses, and relaxing on the couch. Now, they're night started with getting the babies put in they're places and asleep, then curling up in their own bed and more slightly sexual but soft kisses that got longer and longer as time went on
"I love you..."
Charlie murmured, resting his hands on Honey's hips as the blonde straddled him
"I love you, too..."
Honey murmured right back, wrapping his arms around the dirty blonde's shoulders as he got comfortable, soon bringing his lover into another kiss, which was gladly accepted as the dirty blonde kissed back
The two scooted closer to each other as the minutes ticked by, their kiss getting more heated as Charlie gently nipped at Honey's bottom lip, silently asking for entrance. Honey quickly granted as he parted his lips slightly, moaning quietly as Charlie's tongue invaded his mouth.
There was no fight for dominance, they knew who was the more dominate one in the relationship, it was just a simple dance that they enjoyed until Charlie moved away and down to Honey's neck, kissing a couple times before looking up at the blonde
"This okay?"
He asked softly, Honey nodded slightly
"Words, darling.."
"I-its fine, Char.."
The blonde shivered slightly as the dirty blonde started kissing and gently sucking on his neck, moaning quietly.
The dirty blonde always had to make sure Honey was 200% okay with what was happening, no matter how small it was, as the blonde was skittish and got uncomfortable quickly, so it was always nice to know he was on board and okay.
So that's what Charlie did every time they had any private time together, he made sure that his skittish little blonde was on board the whole time with whatever he did. Honey appreciated it, he really did and he loved that the dirty blonde was kind enough to be patient if he wasn't ready or okay.
Slowly, Charlie pushed Honey's sleeve off his shoulder—Honey was wearing one of his hoodies and said hoodie could swallow the blonde twice, so it wasn't that hard— and made hickeys there on his shoulder and lower part of his throat, where he could hide them with the collar of his shirts and hoodies instead of wearing a scarf in 90 degree weather. Honey moaned and quietly panted, tilting his head slightly to give his lover some more room while he started gently grinding against the other blonde.
They didnt get much time together, at least, not any where they could do 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 together, so they were kinda taking advantage of it.
At some point, Honey's shirt came completely off and was simply tossed on the floor and the blonde's first reaction was to cover himself up and hide, but with the simple action of kissing and compliments, the instinct was shoved away and he instead moaned softly as his lover kissed down his neck, shoulder and chest, going down as far as he could sitting up, making and leaving more hickeys in his wake, gently running his hands up the blonde's sides.
Meanwhile, Charlie groaned to himself as Honey rolled his hips every now and again, pressing their clothed and hardening cocks against one another in the rough fabric of their jeans, tempted to stop and enjoy the little bit of friction but deciding against it as he realized that would make the other stop to.
Though, he did stop as his adorable little blonde gently tugged at the bottom of his shirt, pouting slightly
"Off.. Please"
"As you wish~"
Charlie chuckled softly and sat up straight, pulling his shirt off and letting it fall to the floor as Honey pulled him into another kiss, this one needy and more heated than the rest, which made him chuckle softly as he kissed his blonde back, hands resting on his hips. Seconds later, he was kissing down the other's neck and chest again, listening to him moan and whine, grunting now and again as the other continued to roll his hips and grind their erections together
"Needy much?~"
"S-shut up..It's- It's just been a while"
"That it has"
The dirty Blonde's hands moved down to Honey's shorts, and after a quick conformation, they, and his boxers, were tugged off, the blonde lifting himself up and off for a bit to get the annoying garments off. Though he didn't let the other stay clothed long, as he managed to get the other's off as well before settling down in his lap once more while they both groaned from the friction of their now aching cocks rubbed against one another again.
They kissed again as Charlie reached beside him and fumbled in the drawer until he found what he was looking for. He barely even pulled away as he set the condoms down beside him and got some lube on his fingers before positioning them at Honey's entrance. He barely had a chance to ask before Honey was nodding, still not breaking the kiss as he gently tugged on Charlie's hair.
Gently and slowly, Charlie pushed a finger into Honey's entrance, letting him adjust before thrusting his fingers slightly, adding a second finger about five minutes later. Honey moaned into his mouth and ever so slightly pushed back against the digits as the slight pain turned to pleasure quickly, his own hands moving down to Charlie's shoulders as he pulled away once he ran out of breath, resting his head on the dirty blonde's shoulder as well.
Said dirty blonde moved his fingers faster, nipping and kissing at the blonde's neck and ear, his none occupied hand resting on the other's hip. A third finger was soon introduced, but not long after, they were pulled out and the two moved away from each other for a couple minutes so the dirty blonde could open and put on a condom.
Though, as soon as that was done, they were back in the same position, both panting quietly as they positioned themselves.
Charlie asked softly, his hands on Honey's waist as he kept the other still until he was ready
"H-hold on..."
Honey murmured, testing his head on Charlie's shoulder as the dirty blonde nodded, moving a hand to run up and down the Blonde's spine.
"Take as much time as you need love.."
Honey sighed shakily. He didn't know why he was worried, why he was nervous. They have done this multiple times, in this position most of those times, so why was he nervous? Was it because it has been nearly a year? Was it because of the new animals? Or was it because of the girls? Or... Maybe he was just being a big baby about it? He didn't know, but it was tiring not to know his own damn feelings and why he was feeling them.
"We don't have to do this, babe... We really don't"
"... No- no I 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 too... I-I just- ... Don't know 𝘸𝘩𝘺 I'm hesitating"
"Well, then what can I do to help?"
".... I don't know"
"Then just take your time, okay?"
"... Okay..."
Charlie shifted Honey a bit so he could sit down and take his time instead of being suspended in the air and on his knees. He knew how much it annoyed and upset the blonde when he couldn't figure out his emotions and he was there for the other every time and helped him.
"What if we changed positions? Would that help?'
"... I think so"
So, with that, the two moved around on the bed until Honey was situated on his back, head resting on the soft pillow with Charlie hovering over him, hands gently placed on the blonde's legs.
"That better?"
"Do you want to try again?"
".. Yeah"
"You sure?"
".... N-no. Give... Give me a couple more minutes"
"Take all the time you need.. Can I kiss you while you mentally prepare yourself?"
The dirty blonde chuckled softly and leaned his head down, pressing a soft, loving kiss onto the blonde's lips, then another, then another, and even more after that, each getting longer and longer as he felt the other relax underneath him. He hummed softly in approval as he felt the other kiss back, faintly at first before kissing him harder as time goes on and he got more confident.
It took a while before the blonde was truly ready, but once he was, he let the dirty blonde know by bucking his hips up into said dirty blonde's, causing their hardened cocks to rub against each other and make both of them moan into each other's mouths.
"You sure?"
"I am now"
"Alright... Just let me know if I ever need to stop"
"I will"
After pulling away and catching their breath, Charlie adjusted both of them so they were both comfortable and held Honey's hips, pushing himself into the other. Though he stopped when he heard Honey hiss in pain and continued to be still until the other told him it was okay, and though it took a while, he was eventually given the signal and he nodded slightly, pushing himself in as far as he could go.
Once he was there though, he stopped again and let the other adjust, lightly kissing his jaw, shoulders and chest, drawing small shapes into his hips.
Honey panted shakily and tried to focus on Charlie's lips kissing around his upper body instead of the pain and his shaking
His goddamn shaking.
He hated it when he shook during something like this, it made him feel weak because of the fact that he couldn't control his nervousness during times like this and he whined quietly to himself. He sighed quietly and raised his hands up, tangling them into Charlie's hair and bringing his head up to level with his own before pressing their lips together. This always helped calm him down, he didn't know why, it just did.
Charlie didn't complain, he just kissed back with a quick murmur
"We don't have to do this"
"I want to..."
It took quite a while before Honey gave the signal to move again as he had to pull away to catch his breath again
"You sure?"
Charlie sighed softly and pressed a soft kiss to Honey's lips, giving him a couple more extra minutes before pulling about half way out then pushing back in. Honey's breath hitched but he made sure Charlie didn't stop, he didn't want the other to stop because he wanted to power

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