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Hello flowers!!!!! So we are now on book 2 I am so excited for y'all to read this if you are new here go check out Book 1 it's on my profile it's called The Mafia king and The Assassin now I want to say thank you for reading my books I work hard on these. If you don't like my book than you could leave I don't care now since school is coming up my schedule is going to be a little rumbley so I will try my best to update but for now I can I have lots of free time to edit this book if I make mistakes just tell me in the comments and I will fix it. Also in this book there will probably be mistakes so if I can't fix sorry about that but I will look over before I complete my book if you have any questions just put it in the comments! But anyways enjoy this boooooook and hopyfully you like it!! Thank you for reading!

Reminder! Please don't still my book or copy right it I don't like people talking MY work that I WORK hard on thank you!


# Violence
# Cursing
#knifes /guns
# Abuse
#sad parts

Follow my tik tok account just made one!!
User: mafia_books5

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