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Victoria POV

While I was in a red light Enzo called me I picked up " Hello My Sexy daddy" I said smirking under my helmet I heard him chuckle " Hey baby girl what you doing " he said I got butterflies in my stomach oh god what he does to me " Actually I am heading to your headquarters I wanna talk to you about something " I said driving since the light switch

To green " Alright I will be waiting for you than outside " he said I was speeding past cars some cars beep at me but I didn't care " Okay I am almost there maybe 5 mins " I said " Okay baby girl I will be waiting than " he said I heard a door close we said our goodbyes 5 mins later I pull up to his drive way I see him standing there on the phone I park and turn off

My motorcycle Enzo hang up and came towards me I pull my helmet off than my gloves " Damn baby girl you look beautiful " he said with his hands in his pocket I smiled and got off my bike I put my hands on his chest and peck his lips " Hm well thank you my sexy daddy " I said and wink at him than walked away swaying my hips I hear him groan

Behind me I smirk I don't know how he caught up with me but he is by my side now holding my waist his men nodded to him we walked inside I look at the front and see that bitch she give me a bitch look I stick both my middle finger up at her and mouth out " Fuck you bitch " I smirked when her eyes got wide and Enzo chuckle I look over to him " what" I said

With a raised eyebrow " That was hot to watch " he said in my ear I bit my lips I felt a smack on my ass I gasped " Enzo" I said sternly he smirked " Everyone go back to work " Enzo said with no emotions in his voice everyone went back to work finally we was in the elevator Enzo pressed the 59th floor " What's in the 60th floor " I said to Enzo and wrapped my arms around his neck he had to lower his

Head " my penthouse " he said I hummed i rested my head on his chest he put his chin on top of my head and rubbed my back " you know I missed you my sexy daddy" I said smiling that's his new name just to tease him " me too baby girl and if you keep calling me that I might take you here now " he said looking at me i did a thinking face " how about no my sexy daddy" I said than the Elevator door

Opened perfect timing right I was about to walk when I felt Enzo lifting me on his shoulders I gasped when he slap my ass I lift my head up and see People staring cause we was walking in the halls I smirk and decided to slap his ass I started to laugh " sorry just had to " I said I heard him chuckle finally we got to his office he closed the door with his feet " you can put me down now Enzo " I said holding his

Shirt he didn't give me an answer he just put me down than lift me back up again I wrap my legs around his waist and had my hands around his neck to hold me in place he has his hands on my ass he walked towards his chair and sitted down while my legs where hanging on each side he leaned back in his chair and put his hands on thighs and squeeze them

Shit he got me weak in the knees " so what you wanted to talk about with me " he said taking a cigarette out his pocket before he could light it up I snatched it " this shit you don't ducking smoke " I said and got off his lap than step on it I grab my purse I had a took a joint I than went back to his lap he put his hands on my waist

" this you smoke it's weed if I see you smoke a cigarette ever again around me I will fucking snap your neck " I said in a threaten tone I light up the blunt and smoke it I see him smirking " are you threatening me Baby girl " he said snatching the blunt in my hands " yes indeed Enzo DeLuca " I said in a serious tone " you look hot when you threaten me and being serious " he said smoking the blunt i rolled

My eyes " Whatever , but let's get talking " I said and snatch the blunt out his hand he chuckled I got up from his lap and leaned on his desk infront of him let me tell you we are very close " So I was thinking you know since I like sleep at your house all the time I could just move in with you and my baby's " I said passing the joint " that's already done Mi Amore " he said " damn you fast daddy" I said

Smirking I see him fix his pants and moving in his chair I got up and slide my fingers on his chest before I could do anything someone barge in me and Enzo took our guns out " woah woah sorry to ruin the moment " John said with Surender hands I rolled my eye and lowed my guns " yeah you ruined it I was close to fucking him john " I said rolling my eyes

" eww I don't need to know that Victoria " Ace said John nodded in agreement I shrugged my shoulders " what do you want " Enzo said and pulled me down on his lap wrapping his hands round my waist while passing me the joint " you have a meeting " John said with a serious face " alright I am coming " Enzo said they nodded and walked out " can I come with you daddy " I said he groan " yes but don't fucking tease me Baby girl " he said than hit the joint

The Mafia king and The Assassin ( Book 2 )Where stories live. Discover now