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Victoria POV

After when Enzo left I grabbed a apple and head out the door I walked to my motorcycle it was red and white I loved it so much I got on it and put my helmet I started my motorcycle to my headquarters I was speeding fast on the highway blocking the cars left and right I felt my hair flying everywhere I went 100 mph 20 mins later I got to my headquarters I turned

Of my motorcycle and took my helmet I got off and walked to the front letting my hips sway I walked up my my men " good to see you back jefã" my men said and nodded in respect I nod my head back I walked in and my men nodded their head and stand up straight I walked with my head high to the elevator with my assistant beside me 2 weeks ago I hired one so far she is doing good " good morning jefã" she said

" good morning Zoey" I said the elevator door opened and we walked inside she presses the button to the top floor " do I have any meetings today" I said looking at her she had dirty blonde with blue eyes she was my at least 1 inch tall so she is 5,3 she was pretty actually she is about my age " yes you do you have 5 meetings today " Zoey said " okay when is my first one" I said crossing my arms across my

My chest " your first one is at 9:30 " she said looking threw the tablet to cheek " what time is it" I said looking away from her " it is 7:50 am " Zoey said we got to my office the elevator door opened I walked down the hall and into my office " can you bring me my coffee " I said sitting down on my chair and staring to sigh papers " yea jefã" she said and closed the door

20 mins later I heard a knock " come in" I said " here is your coffee jefã" she said " thank you " I said and took it from her I drink some of my coffee " you can go now " I said to her she nodded her head and closed my door I sighed and went back to sighing papers , calling , e-mailing, search business stuff it was a lot of work but I do just fine with it I never expected to take over the mafia our mafia in a million

Years. 2 hours and 30 minutes later I heard a knock on my door " come in " I said I was getting pissed off with the person I am on the phone with " Do I give a shit! No I don't your wasting my fucking time " I said louder in the phone I hung up and turned around my assistant was there she looked scared a litlle " your meeting is ready jefã" she said I walked to the door I opened it and walked down the elevator I waited until the elevator door opens

We walked inside Zoey presses the 57th floor we finally get there we walked threw the halls until we got to my meeting room I opened it I see everyone looking my way and standing up I see Xavier Johnson the head of American Mafia he looked fit he looks like he's in his 40s he is taller than me probably around 6,0 , he has these brown eyes to be honest he looks good in his age but not hotter than Enzo is

He wore a blue suit " Well isn't it the one and Only Victoria Marie Knights her self " Xavier said kissing my hand I took my hand out of his hold " The one and only shall we get to business " I said throwing a quick smile and walked to my seat I sit down I pulled out my joint and lighted up I had it between my fingers I put it up to my mouth we started talking " how about this I will give you 8k for drugs and some of your guns " he said I raised

My eyebrows I wasn't so sure I was basically giving him half of my shit and he's going to give only 8k? " No" was all I said he looked at me " No b-but that's a good price " he said studdering I got up from I sit and slam my hands on the table my blood was boiling " Do you fucking think imma give you half of my guns and drugs to you for only 8k! " I said looking him in the eyes I see everyone shift in

Their seat i scoff " the deal is off get the hell out" I said trying to remain calm " b-b- " he tried to talk but I cut him off " Do you want me to fucking blow your brains out Xavier Johnson " I said while my Spanish accent rolling out my tongue " No Mrs. Knight " he said with fear and anger in his eyes " than get the hell out " I said he got up and he's men went with him and got

Out I sighed " you may go " I said to my men they left quickly not to upset me more finally I got all my meetings done and paperwork I look at the clock and it was 6pm " you may go home now Zoey see you tomorrow " I said to her she nodded " bye jefã see you tomorrow " she said smiling and walking to the front entrance I decided to go to Enzo headquarters so I can talk to him about moving in with him and stuff

Since I be there almost everyday I walked to the entrance my men bowing there head on the way out I put my AirPods on and blast rap music I than put my helmet I turn on my motorcycle and stared to drive fast to his headquarters I know I am probably breaking the speed limit but I don't fucking care anyways

The Mafia king and The Assassin ( Book 2 )Where stories live. Discover now