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Victoria POV

2 months past by

It been 2 months since we been getting these threats left and right we asked Leonardo if he knows about this but at a result he just laughed so I punch him for the disrespect, Everyone been fine papá and mama still went out but not much anymore since there is a threat going around it was 1pm in the morning Enzo is out on a mission

He didn't want me to come which I was pissed at him what happened if he get shot or something?! I was on my phone when I heard something break downstairs i jolt out of bed and went to my closet to grab my digger and pistol along with a Ak-47 I ain't playing everyone went out so I was alone in the damn house bored out my fucking

Mind I went back to focus on what is happening I cock back my gun and make sure they are loaded once I was ready I open the door slowly my gun peeking out the door I opened a little more and started to move I listen to any noise or footsteps I check the upstairs which was clear I moved downstairs I heard some voices " заткнись, ты слишком шумишь " the interior said ( shut up you are making to much noise ) "Извини "

The other intruder said ( sorry) I count how many voices and footsteps there are in total there is at least 5 people " нам ясно, что внизу, мы двигаемся вверх, начнем приводить сюда вторую команду" I heard other say ( we are clear downstaris we moving up , start to get our other team in here ) I moved away from the staris and going down the hallway that leads to a guest room I hid in the corner " Все двигаются в другом направлении" I heard other voice say

( Everyone move into different direction ) by the accent it's the Russian I was confused cause didn't we get him and his mafia is down? I will think about that later i went back to focus mode I heard a footstep coming my way I grip my gun hard I waited for that person to come close until I knocked them out with my gun I looked to my

Left and right to see if anyone coming I dragged this fucker body to a nearby room I put him down in the corner of the room I locked the door and make sure no one was coming I slashed water on the shit bag he gasped and woke up he looked around until his eyes land of me " Посмотрите, кто у нас здесь, Виктория Мари Найтс" he said smirking ( look who we have here Victoria Marie Knights)

"вырви мое имя из своего гребаного рта, у меня нет времени на всякую ерунду, на кого ты работаешь и почему ты здесь, если ты не ответишь, я, черт возьми, перережу тебе глотку" I said sternly ( get my name out your fucking mouth i dont have time for bullshit who fo you work for and why you here , if you dont answer i will fucking slit your throat )

He laughed I raise an eyebrow I clench my jaw " ты просил об этом" I said ( you asked for it ) than I slit his throat he chocked in his throat and look with me with wide eyes I bend down to his level " Я говорил тебе, ублюдок, но ты не слушаешь, увидимся в аду" I said smirking ( i told you motherfucker but you dont listen dont you , see you in hell ) I watch his life been taken

Away I got up and moved on I unlock the door and hold my gun up I look in the corner to see if there was movement when it was clear I walked down the hallway farther a shot was heard I spin around to see 4 fuckers pointing their gun at me " ну ты меня понял" I said smirking ( well you got me ) " положи пистолет на пол и поднеси его ко мне" he said ( put your gun on the floor and slide it to me ) " отлично" I said ( fine)

I slowly put my gun on the floor I slide it to him he grab it than told the others to handcuff me and bring me with them , when they came close I grab and knew them with their head hearing their skull crack 1 down 3 to go I duck when the other fucker try to punch me but I kick him in his stomach and punch the living shit out of him

Someone grab me by my arm but thankfully I have my dagger and drag it down his arm he scream i scoff " fucker " I mumble " bring it " I said to the other shit bag he came swinging at me i duck than stab him in his leg than his throat I run up towards the other person and instantly stab him in his stomach and dragging my dagger across his throat he fell I smile like a crazy

Women which I am " ты связался не с тем ублюдком" I said ( you mess with the wrong one fucker ) he came running towards me I smirk when he was about to hit me I duck than grab his gun on his gun holster i spin around I felt a hit on my stomach I gasped the fucker punch me I look up at him with hard cold stare I see the worry in his eyes I punch him on his face I did a round house kick than I shot him two times in his head

I heard more footsteps coming I grab my Ak-47 that was lying on the floor when I see the Russians coming up the stairs I started to shoot at them each every one of them I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder I hissed one fucker was alive and shot me I walked to him and shoot his balls and head

The Mafia king and The Assassin ( Book 2 )Where stories live. Discover now