Chapter Four

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Emily woke up with a headache. She was in a dark room. The past events came rushing back to her. The ballroom...Tariq and Marcy...the explosion...blood. She winced as she touched her head where a bump was forming. Was she in a hospital? She tried getting up but the room started to spin causing her to feel dizzy. Slowly she laid back down trying to make light of her situation. She must have been injured in the explosion and bought here to recuperate. Maybe this was part of her pack house she tried to reason although she highly doubted that since she had an uneasy feeling. She wondered where Tariq was. If he was okay. He probably was with Marcy comforting her. Somehow the thought of them still together didn't sit well with her. She wasn't very strong so she couldn't heal herself. Emily guessed she would have to rest awhile and wait. She was sore and in pain. Her throat was also parched and her eyes gritty. Just as she was about to doze off again when she heard the door open and a man entered the room. She could tell from his aura that he was a vampire. As he stepped into the light she noticed that he was tall and extremely pale. He possessed extremely blue eyes that looked familiar. "Who are you and why am I here" she demanded. He gave her an evil chuckle. "In due time Healer..." the strange man paid her a fleeting glance and left the room. Emily didn't know who he was or what he wanted but she knew she wasn't at the pack house and somehow she needed to escape. Soon.


Angry didn't begin to describe what Ric was feeling. He searched high and low but couldn't find Emily. When he questioned everyone present at the dinner and found out from one of his omegas that Emily was seen injured and carried by a strange female vampire who some say resembled the infamous rogue vampire Drac. It did not sit well with him or his wolf. How dare some blood sucker come into his territory and steal HIS Luna! He was going out of his mind. She was injured and was being held by some vampire. It was his job to protect and care for his mate and he messed up. For years he has been messing up. He should have gone after her all those years ago and claimed her as his. Maybe they would have been married with kids by now. She would have been here with him safe and sound. He was agitated as hell and found himself snapping orders at his Beta and pack warriors. Several sported bruises since he lost it earlier and punished them for allowing their Luna to be kidnapped. They all claimed they didn't see anyone cross the borders. Something that Ric was looking into. Emily's Coven members offered their help as well as several members of the Order including the vampire Zan and surprisingly Marcy and a hunting Clan- Black Claw lead by Emiliy's cousin. Some argue that the rouge attack, kidnapping and explosion were all related and were caused by persons against the Treaty of Super naturals'- a new bill that was due to be finalized tomorrow at the meeting. Ric admitted that it sound very plausible however his main priority was getting Emily back safe. He would worry about theories later. Find mate. Protect mate. Claim mate. Love mate.


Emily tested the door only to find it locked on the outside. After the vampire left she blacked out from sheer exhaustion and pain. After she woke she planned her escape. The vampire was bad news. She needed to get out of her and warn the Order. There could be an uprising brewing. Maybe it had something to do with the Anti-Superno Bill that was going to pass. The Order could be dealing with a rebellion. She searched the room for an exit and finally found a window that was only partially closed. She quickly took of her ruined dress and shoes leaving her clad in a simple white camisole and slip. Emily needed to move fast before her captor decided to come back. She gingerly climbed out of the window only to discover it was on the second floor. Not thinking twice she grabbed on a rose trellis not caring that the thorns ripped into her flesh. When she was half way down she jumped the rest of the way and ran like a wild cat in a random direction. She needed to get as far away from here as possible. She ran for what seemed like hours. Her feet and limbs hurt and her body was adorned with cuts and small bruises. The hit to her head became unbearable. Her mouth was parched and her stomach hurt. She wondered if Tariq could sense her pain after all she was his mate or did he not notice she was missing. With those thoughts she crashed abruptly to the ground and welcomed the comforting darkness....

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