Chapter Ten

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Ric observed his mate coming out of the Airport. His eyes assessed her for any bruises or signs of abuse but found none. Those leeches didn't touch what was his. He assumed they were initially going for the book with the spell in the tale which was at the Coven but when they entered the limo they went in the opposite direction to the forest. This was definitely not part of the plan. He was going to kill Lief. Stupid hunter and his theories! He quickly alerted the others and began to trail his mate and her kidnappers. From the beginning he never trusted that Zan and Marcy- she was a surprise but he was out for blood and no one would be spared. He knew he was cold to use his own mate as bait but Lief and Tate managed to convince him although he immediately regretted it. He just hoped she wouldn't be too angry. Using her as bait was on the top of his discrepancies concerning her but as soon as he killed the blood suckers and their associates he would spend his life making it up to her.


Emily braced herself as she walked through the dark, eerie forest to the Valley of the Moon to retrieve a moon flower the first ingredient on the list. It was a rare flower that only bloomed every 100 years for three days. She was quiet lucky. So good so far but then suddenly they stopped. In the midst of the forest clearing stood at least 300 vampires among other supernaturals...some who were present at the meeting. They must be part of the Fang Emily thought. She grew a bit nervously but decided to stick to her plan and continue walking. Whilst they were walking Lucas stopped and looked around. "I smell mutt!" he shouted. "The little witch tricked us! Grab her!" Zan didn't get to touched her since he was knocked off his feet by a massive black wolf. A smaller red wolf went for Marcy and Lief emerged from the trees shooting silver arrows at Zan. The next thing she knew werewolves flocked the clearing from all sides. They sparred for a while and Emily made use of the distraction and ran for a moon flower. Her heart pressed against her chest as she frantically ran towards the lake. She only turned back when she heard Marcy screamed as the red wolf ripped her throat out. She didn't see the black wolf or Lucas just Zan and Leif sparring. When she turned back around Lucas blocked her path from the field of moon flowers and the wolf was nowhere in sight. "Going somewhere princess?" He grabbed her roughly and she screamed and fought. She kicked his shin and rushed forward but he caught her on legs causing her to tumble and fall but luckily it was on top of a moon flower. She clutched the only thing that could save them now close. She looked behind her and saw Lief on the ground bleeding. The massive wolf had Zan head in his hands. He let out a massive howl and stalked towards Lucas who now had her in front of him as a shield.


Ric was livid. He had alerted the others and followed Emily to the forest hoping to find out what Lucas was up to. Somehow they were detected and when Zan rushed to grab his mate he lost it. He quickly shifted and rushed out followed closely by Tate, Scarlet and Lief. He just ripped Zan head off and saw Lucas grabbed hold off Emily. He stalked over to them. All around him witches of the Gemini Coven, werewolves and vampire fought for their respective sides. He gazed intently on his mate. He noticed she was not afraid but clutched her chest leading him to think she was injured. He growled. His wolf was going to enjoy the kill. He froze when he heard Emily chanting. Then all of a sudden all the members of Fang fell to the ground in agony. Everything became silent except for their cries and her chanting. Emily was glowing and she chanted louder causing each member one by one to incinerate in white flames. They were all dead as she fell to the ground weak. The war was over before it even began....


Scarlet woke up in bed with Ric by her side. She recognized her room back at the coven. He looked down at her fondly. "Hey there sleeping beauty. I thought you didn't want to wake up." Emily only smiled not knowing how to process all she been through. He seemed to notice and starting to talk but was cut off when her bedroom door flew open and Lief, Tate and Scarlet. They all hugged her and inquired if she was well. She said she was ok just weak. She explained the reason Lucas wanted her and her plan to use the moon flower as a spell to get rid of any dark supernatural in a 10 mile radius. After chatting awhile they all left except Ric. Since the matter was resolved she was anxious to know where they stood. He got up and locked the door and made his way back to her bed. She was surprised when he took off his shirt and boots and got into bed with her. She didn't protest when he gathered her into his arms. He took this as an encouragement and began to speak. "Look I know I was a jerk to you years ago but I need you to understand that I wished I could go back and change it all but I can't. I was caught up with Marcy that when I found out you were my mate I didn't handle the situation well. In fact I went when Marcy called because I had every intention to break up with her and when I caught her in bed with my cousin I knew I made the right choice. I didn't mean to make it looked like I rejected you. You are all I have ever wanted. I just want you to know I have always wanted you and I am sorry you thought I rejected you and I will do my best to try and make it up to you every day of my life...just give me a chance to show you how much I love you and promise me you will never leave me again..." Emily didn't know what to say. All these years she thought he slept with her sister! She felt so foolish. Ric's expression looked hopeful but she still was uncertain. He was so confusing at times-always sending her mixed messages. He seemed to get upset with silence and turn to look at her. He swiped the tears she didn't know she was crying. The next thing she knew she was crushed to his chest and bawling. She told him why she ran away and about her long time crush on him and apologized for everything. He made a whimpering sound and hugged her tighter telling her it wasn't her fault but circumstances they couldn't control. She knew he changed but she was so confused. She didn't want to be hurt again. He began to rub her back and whisper soothing words to her until she dozed off in his arms.


She woke to see that she was cuddled by Ric and she found herself snuggling more as she buried her face into his chest. He chuckled. He was her comfort. She thought back on how he saved her twice and the way he now treated her. Her decision was not hard after all. They had found the truth and had forgiven each other. The past was the past and they had the future now. She felt him shift until he was hovering above her. He had not let go. She gazed into his eyes and saw uncertainty and love. She cupped his face and rose up and kissed him putting her all into her kiss. She hoped he liked her answer..........


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