Chapter 17 - Amusement Galore

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{ Orcal's POV }

Heh, I was kinda happy that Odette told me to show Harper, Mason, Kyra, and Casper my realm first. I felt so smug in front of Otto. I know he's jealous. It's painted all over his face, but I'm not complaining, of course. Maybe Odette will finally notice me! Ooh, I can't wait for that to happen!

{ Harper's POV }

Words cannot describe how excited I am. I mean, meeting my fictional characters? Being in MemieLand? This day can't get any better! Right now, we're in The Three O's Territory, and Orcal is about to show us his realm first.

"Ladies and gentlemen, shield your eyes because this will blind you," said Orcal confidently. Otto just scoffed while Odette giggled.

He opens the door, and it reveals a blue and white amusement park (representing Orcal, of course), and it contains all the games that I know and what interests me. Pretty cool, huh?

I gasp while my three cousins all say "Wow!" in unison.

"Yeah, yeah, hold your applause. There's more things to come!" exclaimed Orcal.

I see Otto roll his eyes. It makes me wanna laugh a little, but I kept it in. We all enter the huge park, as it basically represents me.

"Who knew my own characters would make such an awesome place?" I say, completely admiring the environment.

"Yeah! I wouldn't ever wanna leave!" says Casper with the same energy as me.

"You hear that, Odette? My realm really is talk of the town, isn't it?" Orcal says, showing off in front of her.

"It sure is for Harper and her cousins. Great work, Orcal," Odette says, giving him a supportive smile and a pat on the shoulder.

"Yes!" Orcal quietly says.

"Don't start celebrating now, Orcal. Your realm isn't all that, anyway," Otto says, walking past him.

Orcal gives him a death glare for a couple of seconds before walking next to him, about to tell him off.

I heard the conversation, and I slow my walking speed so I could hear them better.

"'Not all that?' Heh, yeah, like your's is any better," Orcal says, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, please, Orcal, Odette only said those positive objectives just to make you feel good. She is more of a classy memie, so she'll obviously like mines more," Otto says, looking at his fingers like if he just got a manicure.

Orcal laughed.

"Yeah, I think your opinion flooded your brain, so I'll help you snap out of it."

Orcal slaps the back of Otto's head. I gasp as I saw this, making everyone turn back to see the two.

Otto growls and pushes Orcal. Then, they get into a fight. Instead of a white cloud, a dusty pink cloud was covering them fight.

Mason and Kyra were cheering them on while Casper looks kinda shook.

{ Odette's POV }

I was just walking with Harper, Mason, Kyra, and Casper until I hear Orcal and Otto fighting. Again. I just don't get why they do this. It's so immature.

After groaning in annoyance, I go over to their 'fight cloud' and pull both of them back from each other. I look at them with half-lidded eyes while they have nervous smiles on their faces.

"What did I tell you boys about fighting in front of Harper? And her cousins?" I whisper-shouted quietly.

"He started it," Otto said, pointing to Orcal.

"Well, he didn't want to keep his mouth shut," Orcal said, pointing back to him.

"Well, just stop! This problem will not get solved unless we work together. We're not called The Three Os for nothing, right?" I assure.

They both shake their heads.

"Good. Now just act like you don't hate each other," I say before letting them both go. They both glare at each other. I roll my eyes while I walk past the two.

I hope this heat between them ends soon...

{ Harper's POV }

Orcal continues to show us the amusement park. After an hour or so, we finally reach the end of it.

"Aww, it's already over?" Casper pouted.

"Not just yet—follow me!" says Orcal as he teleports his way and we all follow to where he is going.

Right behind the amusement park, there was a forest full of trees covered with lights. And yes, MemieLand is a place for robots, but it also has wildlife mixed with it.

"Wow..." I say, amazed.

"It's so pretty here," says Kyra.

"It is, isn't it?" says Odette, happily.

"Yes, very. Not as pretty as you though..." Otto says to Odette as he wraps his hand around hers.

"O-Oh..." Odette said as she blushed slightly, not knowing what to say.

Mason, Kyra, and Casper all tease the two, making me laugh to myself.

Orcal then sees what's happening and separates the two memies.

"Okay, okay! Getting a little too comfy here..." Orcal says as he glares daggers at Otto. "How about we keep it moving, huh?" He pushes Odette in front of him, getting her away from Otto, while he just watches confusedly.

"Jealous much?" Mason whispers to me.

"Eh, you can say so," I say, shrugging.

He shakes it off and we continue to walk past the trees.

Orcal has finally made a stop to a huge oak tree, where it had pictures of people on it.

"What's this?" I ask.

"This, Harper, is your own family tree," Orcal says as he presents it.

A bunch of "Oohs" came from me and my cousins.

Right on top of the tree showed a picture of me—Harper Rosita Larson. My profile was connected to two lines, both separated to one person, and the other two pictures showed my father, William, and my mother, Isidora. It then continued on and on at the last branch of the oak tree, showing the whole family.

I was amazed by the beauty of it. It was so hard to not notice it.

"Look, Harpy, look! It's a picture of me!" exclaimed Casper as he pointed to his profile while tugging my arm.

"I see myself, too!" Kyra says. Her picture was right next to Casper's.

"And theres me!" says Mason. His picture was next to his siblings as well.

"See? That just proves we're family," I say.

They all haves grins on their faces and we all high five each other, laughing.

"Aw, cousin love," Odette said while admiring our close bond.

"Yes, yes it is," says Otto, while he puts a hand on her shoulder. She notices it and looks at him in the eyes. He does the same.

{ Orcal's POV }

Ugh, Otto thinks he's sooooo charming, doesn't he? He's always buttering up Odette, and what do I do? Look like a fool! I hate to admit, I am quite jealous of Otto. The only reason is that I want to confess my love to Odette, and Otto is trying to do that, too. So, it's basically a competition. But right now, I feel soft of discouraged... but whatever, I will confess soon!

{ POV }

After a short moment of everybody in their thoughts, Otto then breaks the silence.

"Alright, now that's over, it's time to see my realm."

"Oh, but we're not—" Odette says, but gets interrupted.

Otto grabs her hand.

"Let's get to it!"

He drags her along, and Orcal, Harper, Mason, Kyra, and Casper all follow along, their destination to Otto's realm.

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