Today was a Good Day

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Next Day6:23 amMagic Parai JonesOmni POV

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Next Day
6:23 am
Magic Parai Jones
Omni POV

"Wake the fuck up", Reg told Jake and Magic. Jake didn't know where they were going but he begged for Magic to come along, simply because he didn't want to spend the entire day without her.

Reg only decided to get Magic because he figured it would give him some brownie points with Bria. He is deadass obsessed with that woman.

Magic started to look out the windows to observe her surroundings, as soon as Jake opened his eyes he looked towards the backseat to make sure Magic was okay. Once he saw she was he noticed a man start walking towards the passenger door.

"You were supposed to signal before you pulled up.", The man told Reg, he sat his arm on the windowsill.

"We here ain't we", Reg told the man handing him some money, Reg's voice when he said it was stern and authoritative, making Magic roll her eyes since he never speaks like that with Debria. His tone with her is so soft and delicate, he never raises his voice at her.

The man snatched the money and handed Reg a piece of paper with coordinates on it. The man told Reg that he has 30 minutes making Reg hum in response.

Reg reached out of the window and signaled for everyone in the other vans behind them to follow. Then Reg began driving towards the location of the coordinates.

"Now you know yo dumbass can't read coordinates", Magic said while chewing a piece of gum. She was only sleeping for 15 minutes but it's better safe than sorry.

Jake laughed at Magic's comment making Reg roll his eyes and look through his reviews mirror at Magic.

"Actually, I can. And you lucky you my girl's cousin, I should fuck you up for that", Reg told her in a threatening tone making her laugh.

"Did you forget who my daddy is, I wish you would", Magic responded making Reg shut up immediately. Magic herself didn't know exactly who her daddy was, she just knew his name holds weight in the streets of Chicago. Jake looked at Magic and Reg confused, he wanted to ask but Reg parked the car. He kept it in mind for later.

All the men from the other vans hopped out of the car including Reg. Jake stuck his head out the window and so did Magic, both wanting to be nosy.

"Right here. Come on", Reg said while pointing at a storage bin on top of another one. Immediately, a few guys and Reg hopped on top of the car and walked to the storage bin. Big Mike opened up the back of the trunk and opened boxes of toy trucks.

"This is not American Ninja Warrior", Magic muttered to herself making Jake laugh. Magic turned her head towards Jake and smiled, he smiled back, their kiss still fresh in his mind.

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