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Ambrosius pov:

"Where in the name of gloreth is he?" I thought. The knighting ceremony was happening in less than 5 minutes and I can't find bal anywhere.

After we talked on the roof he vanished. I checked everywhere the lockers, the halls, bathrooms, even the stables.

"Sir goldenloin? What are you doing here? You should be getting ready to go on stage." The director said.

"My apologies, director. I lost track of time." I said running to the changing room. I looked around and Bal still wasn't there. Where the hell is he?

"Todd, have you seen Bal?" I asked."Tsh, no. Ballister probably realized he wasn't good enough to be a real knight and ran with his tail between his legs." Todd laughed.

Gloreth if we were in private right now I'd beat the shit out of him. He might be right though Bal was having doubts earlier maybe he left. No, no he wouldn't do that being a knight means so much to him.

Suddenly the TV came on with the queen on screen. I sat down on the bleachers and looked at the TV.

Then I remembered that the prince was showing his face in public for the first time. Maybe Bal got intimidated and ran. I didn't have time to worry because the queen started speaking.

"My people, as many of you know not long after my husband was... Assassinated I discovered I was with child.

I feared that my child would become a target for the murderer of my husband so I never revealed my child to the public. However, seeing how it has been 18 years since my child was born I believe it is time the heir to the kingdom is known."

"My people, many of you know Ballister Boldheart as the first commoner Knight. I however know him as my son. I proudly present to you the heir to the throne.

My son, Prince Ballister boldheart!!

Wait, wait, wait. BAL!??

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