Chapter 17 the truth

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Art by @BOBESS_R
1 year later:
Ballister pov:

It's been a year since Ambrosius found out I was the prince and things were amazing. We had a pregnancy scare but I wasn't pregnant so that was good.

I do want kids one day but I'd like a ring on my finger first. Honestly when Ambrosius found out I wasn't pregnant he was a little sad but also glad that we didn't have to worry about children yet.

We've been living together for the past year and it has been very peaceful. Right now I was getting ready for another knighting ceremony and noticed Ambrosius was acting strange.

"Your highness, it's time." The director said. I walked down the hall with the director beside me.

"Ballister, I want you to know how proud I am of you, and how far you have come. You are so much like your father and mother that it startles me. You will be an amazing king." The director said.

"Thank you Director but I wouldn't have gotten this far without your help. You're like an aunt to me." I said. The director smiled at me and we kept walking.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me and I knew who it was. "Hey rose." I said. "Hey Prince." Ambrosius said. That's been a new nickname for me when we got back together.

I held Ambrosius's hand and smiled at him.

I held Ambrosius's hand and smiled at him

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(Art by mvjerbs)

"Here we go again." I said before stepping into the glorodome with Ambrosius behind me. One after another my mother knighted the knights and the ceremony was over.

Until I saw a green light flashing at my mother. "MOTHER LOOK OUT!!" I yelled pushing her out of the way. The laser hit me instead and I felt a massive pain in my shoulder.

"Agh!!" I screamed. Everything was muffled. Screams were everywhere, everything was in slow motion and my arm... was on the floor. Blood was next to me, my mother's face went pale, Nimona tried to run to me and help me.

I looked at Ambrosius, his face was in shock. I looked at him terrified before I heard something snap. The chandelier on top of me fell. I got up holding my arm trying to run somewhere safe.

"THE PRINCE IS DEAD!!" someone screamed.

Ambrosius pov:

Okay everything is going according to plan. Bal's safe, the Queen's safe, and the director is safe. I noticed our of the corner of my eye a green light. "Is that a laser!?" I thought.

Before I could react I heard Bal scream. "MOTHER LOOK OUT!!" The laser fired but didn't hit the queen... it hit Bal.

I could hear screaming and looked around. I saw Bal but... his arm was missing. "Oh gloreth Bal!!" I thought. I tried to run to him but heard something snap.

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