Chapter 6 The dream

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Art by soaked-doors
2 years later: Ballister is 12 years old
Ballister pov:

"Ha I win again, Ambrosius. Come on cough it up." I said. We were playing a board game I was on a winning streak but Ambrosius refused to accept defeat. "Best 9 out of 10." He said.

I gave him a side eye before putting the board game up. "Come on Ambrosius we need to study for the test." I said. I grabbed a few textbooks from my desk and put them next to us. "Bal you know I hate studying." He said

I ignored his whining and started reading questions. "Who was the founder of the institute?" I asked Ambrosius. "Um the director." Ambrosius said.

"Good gloreth you are so screwed." I said. "What? What's the answer?" He asked. "It's gloreth how do you not know this? Your related to her!" I said.

He just rolled his eyes and laid on the floor. "I think he needs a tutor." I thought.

1 hour later:

"Okay you might actually be able to get a passing grade now Ambrosius." I said. We were both laying on the floor looking at our textbooks for the test.

I suddenly started thinking and Ambrosius saw it." What are you brooding about?" Ambrosius asked. "Wha- I'm not brooding. I'm thinking. This is my thinking face." I said.

"Well thinky face what are you thinking about?" Ambrosius asked. "Well I'm thinking about what life would be like if the institute didn't exist. What we could be without it. I mean have you ever had a dream?" I asked.

"A dream?" Ambrosius asked. I laid the book down on my chest and looked at the ceiling.
"Yeah like what you would want to be when you grow up if you were not already destined to be a knight. What would you want to be?" I asked.

Ambrosius looked up at the ceiling for a minute before looking back at me. "Honestly, I don't have a dream job but I do have a dream life." He said.

"I'm gonna need you to be more specific amb." I said. "Well I think you will have the dream position I want to have when I'm a knight." He said. "What's the position?" I asked.

"To be the Prince's bodyguard one day." He said. My eyes widened at that comment because it meant that he wanted to protect me. Even though he didn't know the Prince was me.

"My other dream is to have a Daughter one day. I already have a name for her if I ever have one." Ambrosius said.

"What's her name?" I asked. "I want to name her Grethyl or Adora." Ambrosius said.

"Grethyl or Adora ? Those are unique names I don't think I've ever heard of those names." I said. "That's why I want to give her one of those names t. It is new and unique like how I'm sure she will be." Ambrosius said.

"Well I think you would be an amazing father, Ambrosius." I said smiling at him.

"What about you Bal? Any dreams you have besides being a knight?" Ambrosius asked.

"Well I've always wanted to help the people on the outer rims of the kingdom and since I am going to be a knight I might actually be able to." I said.

I paused for a moment before looking back at Ambrosius. "I also want to get married one day too but I have to find the right person first." I said. I looked over at Ambrosius and saw him blushing? I might just be seeing things.

"Ambrosius, what do you think of the Prince anyway?" I asked. He thought about it for a moment before sitting up.

"I don't have a good opinion on him yet because his face has never been shown but if he is anything like the queen he will probably be a very kind person. Who knows maybe he's just what this kingdom needs. I will admit it feels weird talking about him because the day he was born was also the day my dad died." He said.

"Wait what? Your dad died when the Prince was born?" I asked. I was shocked because I knew Ambrosius dad died but I didn't know it was when I was BORN.

"Yeah he was poisoned by someone and died almost instantly. I was only 6 months old at the time." Ambrosius said.

"Oh my gloreth! Ambrosius I am so sorry. D-did you ever find his killer?" I asked.

"No we never found out who killed him but my mom thinks that the one who killed my dad was also the one who killed the king." Ambrosius said.

"Do you think it's true?" I asked. "I honestly don't know. The king and my dad were best friends growing up according to my mom. The king was even the best man at my parents wedding. So maybe it's a possibility but I'm not sure." Ambrosius said.

"Wow I had no idea our parents were friends." I thought. "So how come you haven't met the Prince? I mean if the king and your dad were best friends wouldn't that give you a reason to meet him?" I asked.

"When my dad died my mother didn't see the point In meeting the Prince so we never did." Ambrosius said.

He looked upset and turned his back to me. "Hey Ambrosius? I think your dad would be proud of you if he was here." I said touching his back.

After a while we decided to go take a walk in the garden together. It was very beautiful at night and the moon was full. "Hey Bal over here!" Ambrosius yelled.

He was at the top of the hill at our tree we hang out at sometimes. He picked up a rose from the garden and put it in his mouth and leaned against the tree.

"Draw me." He said. I tried my best not to laugh out loud while drawing him but I was a bit difficult since it was dark out.

One hour later:

"Are you done yet Bal? My feet are starting to hurt." Ambrosius said. I laughed because I have been done for 20 minutes and have been drawing something else.

"Yeah I've been done for like 20 minutes Amb." I said. He gave me a side eye and threw the rose away. I was drawing Nimona with short hair when Ambrosius tapped my head.

I looked up and saw him holding another rose in his hand with the moon shining behind him. He tucked the rose behind my earlobe and smiled.

"Bal, thank you." Ambrosius said. "For what?" I asked. "For asking me about my Dreams. No one ever asked me that before but I'm glad you did because I know that you will always support me." He said.

"I'm glad that you trust me enough to tell me these things Ambrosius." I said. He sat down next to me and looked at me while I was starting at the moon.

"I'll always be there for you Bal. That's a promise." Ambrosius said putting his hand on top of mine. I looked at him and smiled before laying my head on his shoulder.

"Will you still be there for me when you find out the truth?" I thought.

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