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The one that grabs the wand is Audrey. She's upset that she's not popular anymore. Since Mal and Evie started giving kids makeovers she was no longer cool, she lost Ben, and more importantly her future as queen. She wants to use the wand to change it all back where she's on top

Mal and Evie stop her. Some speech about how being popular isn't everything and having true friends that love you is all that really matters. 

They think everything is solved when Mal grabs her head in pain. Everyone is worried. Mal's eyes turn green and she shoots of a spell with the wand taking down the barrier on the Isle.

Mal is like what did I just do? Maleficent arrives an reveals she controlled Mal to release her 

Canon fight over the wand and Maleficent dragon form

Happy ending

Vk's arent going back to the Isle

They have a meeting with the King and Ben to make some changes to how the Isle is run/handled

Get a start on evacuating the VK's that need the most help

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