Chspter 32

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*a month later*

"Harry come on we have to go to our appointment" I say and pull him off the couch

"Im coming love" Harry says

We arrive at the office and they take us in almost immediately. I lay on the table and roll my shirt up to under my bra and the doctor tucks a paper into my pants so I jell doesn't  touch them.

"Okay this is going to feel cold" the doctor says and puts the jell on my stomach

Harry holds my hand from the seat next to me.

"Okay we are going to check the baby's heartbeat first" the doctor says

She finds the heartbeat and I immediately start crying happy tears and Harry wipe them off my face. She put sit on a CD for us to bring with us and then checks the rest of the baby.

"Okay, it looks like you have a very healthy baby" the doctor says while she wipes the jell off of my stomach

"When would we be able to find out the gender" I ask

"Your almost 4 months along but you can find out at 4 1/2 months" she says


We get home and Louis is overly excited for some reason so i decided to talk to him.

"Louis why are you a little to happy" I ask

"Wow.... I can't just be happy" Louis says

"Sorry Louis but what are you up to" I ask

"Oh nothing... I just got something for the baby" he says

"Louis please don't make it anything weird please" Harry says

"I won't it's adorable" Lou says


I once again woke up with morning sickness and Harry hold my hair but this time when I wash my face and mouth I notice something. I pull my shirt up and notice I have a little baby bump.

"HARRY" I yell

Harry sprints into the bathroom worried but when he sees me holding my bump his face lights up.

"Love you almost gave me a heart attack. Please don't yell for me unless your hurt or going into labor" he says

I laugh a little but take Harry's hand and put it on my baby bump

"I cant believe we have our child growing in there" he says

"Me too" I say and kiss him

Harry stands there rubbing his hands on my stomach for s little.

"Can I go and surprise the boys" I say and turn to face Harry

"Yea let's go" he says

We walk downstairs and into the living room. I make sure my stomach is cover so the boys can't see and I walk over to them. I notice that their are 2 girls there though that I don't even know so I look at Harry with a confused look and he realizes.

"Rose this is Perrie Zayn's girlfriend, and Dani Liam's girlfriend" Harry  says

"Hey" I say to everyone

They say it back and give me a hug

"Well boys I didn't come done here for nothing. I have a surprise for you guys" I say

" Do you know the gender yet" louis say's excited

"No not yet Louis" I say and giggle

I lift my shirt up and turn to the side to reveal my small baby bump and the boys eyes go wide.

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