Chapter 52

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Rose's POV

I'm two days away from giving birth to this little girl so I've been spending as much time on the couch as I can so she stays put.

"Babe" I yell

"Yes love" Harry yells back form the kitchen

"Look how cute Larry is being" I say

Harry walks into the tv room from the kitchen and sees Larry with his head on my bump.

"You are a good boy Larry" Harry says while petting his head

"He is a good boy" Louis says walking into the room


It's 3:45pm and Harry's mom is coming over to eat dinner with all of us. The doorbell suddenly rings letting everyone know that Anne is here. Harry rushes over to the door and opens it.

"Hi mum" I hear him say

"Hi darling, how is everything" she says

"I'm good mum. Rose is in the tv room. Go sit with her while I finish dinner" He says

Anne walks into the tv room while Harry goes and finishes dinner.

"Hi love. How are you feeling" Anne says while sitting next to me

"I feel very big" I laugh

"She will be out very soon" Anne says

"I hope she doesn't decide to bake any longer" I say

"Me too. I can't wait to meet my granddaughter" Anne says

Anne and I talk until the rest of the boys come down.

"ANNE" Louis yells while bringing Larry into the room

"Hello boys. How are you all" she says

"We are doing great. Just waiting for the baby" Zayn says

"So am I. Remember im only a phone call away if anyone needs help or a place to sleep because the baby" Anne says

"Thank you Anne. I will probably take you up on that offer" Zayn says

"Me too but only if there's a lot of food" Niall says

Everyone laughs at Niall because he has the biggest appetite ever.

"Dinners ready" Harry yells from the kitchen

We get up and head into the kitchen to eat. Anne helps me get up off the couch since I couldn't get up. We sit down at the table and continue talking while we eat.

"When are you going to tell us her name" Niall says

"We will tell you when we bring her home" I say

"But why. I want to know" Louis whines

"Lou be patient. She will be here in two days" Liam laughs

We finish eating but when i get up i feel pressure and then water dripping down my leg. I look down to see a puddle on the floor.

"Harry" I say and look at him

"Yea love" he says while taking the plates from everyone"

"M-my w-water just broke" I say in shock

Harry's eyes dart up to me and he ends up dropping the plates on the floor.

"Harry. Go bring Rose to the hospital and I'll clean this up" Anne says

"OMG SHES COMING" Louis yells

"Lou calm down" Liam says

"Harry go" Niall says

Harry grabs the bags and puts them into the car and helps me get in. He starts rushing to the hospital as fast as we can. I look over at Harry who has tears in his eyes

"Babe why are you crying" I ask from the passenger seat

"I'm just so happy to have a little girl" Harry says

"You're going to make me cry now. Your so sweet" I say

We get to the hospital about 15 minutes later and Harry helps me in. We called on our way so they can clear the entrance and make sure there weren't any paps or fans. They rush us inside to labor and delivery and put us in a room. I change into a gown with Harry's help and lay down in the bed. I put my legs up so the doctor can check how far along I am.

"Your only 1 centimeters along so I'll be back later" she says

The doctor walks out and Harry grabs my hand and holds it.

"I'm so happy love" he says

"I'm so happy too but I'm terrified at the same time" I say

"Why are you scared" he says

"I have to push a baby out of me and it's going to hurt" I say

"Love, I'm here every step of the way" he says

Harry kisses me and than kisses my forehead.

"I'm going to call the girls to tell them even though it's early" I say

I pick my phone up and immediately call Cam.

"Hello. Is everything okay. It's so early over hear you know" she says

"I know but I wanted to tell you that I'm in labor and Harry and I are at the hospital" I say

"OMG WHAT" Cam yells

Harry and I laugh until we see Cam get out of bed running

"GUYS WAKE UP. ROSE IS IN LABOR" Cam yells to the others

"WHAT" I hear Jesse yell over the phone

"OMG ALREADY" Angelica yells

"Yes guys we are at the hospital" I say

"We just wanted to tell you before we have the baby" Harry says

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