Chapter 43

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a month but I started college and I will try and update as much as I can.


I walk downstairs and meet Anne by the door. We walk out to the car and she helps me inside since I feel like I can't move anymore since I became this big. Anne and I start driving and listen to some music on the radio when we heard a weird announcement.

"One direction seperating after they are done with their tour. Is this true or is this fake"

Anne and I just continue driving but in silence. I can't help but wonder if this is actually true or if someone is just trying to make false rumors to try and get the boys to break up. We finally make it to our appointment and decide to just forget about what we heard until later. Anne comes in the back of the room with me and the doctor walks in

Doctor: Hello, How are you doing today

Rose: I'm doing well but I just want her to come out

Doctor: I bet everyone wants her to come out but she still has some time to grow

Rose: Yea, I hope she's just going to be healthy

Doctor: We can check on that now

She puts the cold jell on my stomach and looks at Matilda. I notice her nodding and smiling at the screen so I take that as good news. The appointment takes about half an hours since I'm almost due and we needed to make sure everything is good

Doctor: Everything looks really good. She looks like a very healthy baby

Rose: I'm so glad.

Anne helps me walk back out to the car and get in. I'm relieved that there aren't any paps around because I feel so uncomfortable lately. We get back to the house when I receive another call from Harry but when I answered it wasn't Harry. It was Lou and her daughter lux.

Rose: Aww hello Lux

Lux: I miss you

Rose: aww I miss you too lux

Lou takes the camera away from Liz and points it at herself to talk to me.

Lou: Hey girl how are you feeling

Rose: I feel horrible. Everything hurts. I just wish Harry could come home

Lou: I'm sorry. I know how it feels. Trust me he tried everything to stay home with you

Rose: yea I know he tried but I wouldn't let him. I'm staying with Anne anyway since Harry insisted I had someone to watch over me. Is something wrong though cuz you called me form Harry's phone

Lou: oh yea I wanted to tell you that the rumors about One direction breaking up isn't true. I didn't want you to stress out since your pregnant and lux is on my phone

Rose: thank you Lou. Your the best.

Lou: your welcome. I have to go now since the boys are almost done.

Rose: okay bye

Lou and I hang ups and I go and tell Anne what Lou said. Anne and I are both relieved as she knew I was going to be stressed out about it. I decided to go upstairs and lay between my pregnancy pillow to try and help my back. I lay there for a while when Gemma walks in.

Gemma: hey rose

Rose: oh hey I didn't know you were coming here

Gemma: yea I wasn't planning on it but I wanted to check up on you and mum. How are you feeling

Rose: I'm okay just my back is killing me. I just want her to come out already

Gemma: haha I don't blame you. I bet she's been putting a lot of pressure on you with all the kicking i heard she's doing lately

Rose: Yea she kicks a lot and it's adorable but it's painful sometimes

Gemma and I talk for a little while and Matilda starts kicking so Gemma tests her hand on my stomach to feel her

Rose: I think Harry might be right about her becoming a good soccer player

Gemma: I think he might be right too but it's called football

Rose: I know but remember I'm not from the UK

Gemma: I know lol

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