11) Call me Hades

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There was no explanation as to what had occurred between me and Axle, yet, the evidence of the broken window couldn't lie. It had happened and now Axle had vanished.

    My chest felt like it was being compressed by guilt, shock, fear, and disgust at myself.

The confusion had me sit in a lonely corner of my room and cry my eyes off. What was I supposed to do? How would I explain everything to my brothers without sounding insane?
   I was sure they would make me see a psychologist, or in a worse scenario, send me to a mental hospital.

This only had me crying even harder.

   I needed to run away. To return only when I knew I wasn't going insane.

After stuffing some random clothes in my backpack, I bolted out of the house before any nosy neighbor could spot the damaged window and call the cops.
But before I left, I did write Castor a note, asking him to forgive me for the disappearance and that I'd be back soon.
I also made sure to text my best friends, Phil and Aggie, telling them I was running away but would find my way back when the time was right.


The sky had grown dark as a charred kettle when the night set in fully, not even a single star in sight. Yet it looked beautiful, calming.

I sighed staring at its perfection and a wild thought crossed my mind; did heaven experience nights as well?
  After traveling to the outskirts of San Eagle City, I booked a motel. It was simple, affordable, and would be efficient to lay low. The bed was quite cosy though a bit small.
The room had a great view of the city lights from its window. A sight I found myself staring at for about half an hour as I munched on the crisps. My serene bubble was interrupted when I reached into the bag of Takis and couldn't feel any left.

   With a bit of anger, I tossed the empty bag away, caring not where it fell(I'd pick it up later).

    "You're officially a typical brat," Aldric spoke.
I didn't bother to trace his voice after concluding that he wasn't there and it was all in my head.

  "Not the worst one yet," I replied sulking at the parking right in front of the motel.
How nice it would be if I wasn't running mad. Maybe I could finally tell Leo(my crush) how I felt about him. But, my time was running short if my mind had gone as far as to imagine Aldric's presence.

The scent of burnt cherry wood filled my nostrils as Aldric walked to stand next to my chair. I didn't bother looking up at him, but from the corner of my eye, he wasn't looking at me either. His attention was outside.

      "Why are you running?" Aldric asked.

I huffed, was he a reflection of my conscious? Maybe I needed to answer myself the question.

"I'm going insane."

He laughed.

"Aren't all humans insane?"

Did I really think we were all lunatics?

   "Maybe. But Aldric is the most insane of us all."


My head turned and I glanced up with a grin. "I wonder why you as my conscious would manifest in his form! Am I really thinking about him?"

   "Why do you think I'm your conscious?"

"Because ever since I met him, I've been feeling like everything is a dream. Or is he the illusional character?"

Aldric didn't answer, or even blink. He stared at me blankly, before looking back at the dark room. With a snap of his fingers, the cheap bulb hanging from the ceiling lit up.

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