22) A fit of jealousy

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With a full tray in my hands, I pushed the door in.

"Look what I-"

I was cut short when I laid eyes on Hades lying under Blossom with her fingers wrapped around his neck and his hands at her waist.

They both turned their heads at me, and I wasn't sure whether to react negatively or question them.
I settled for the latter while my feet rushed in. "What the fuck is going on?"

Hades pushed her off of him and got up.
You mean he had the option of doing that but he hadn't?
"Who's this?" Blossom questioned authoritatively as she darted a glare at Hades.

I didn't answer.
If he had the strength of playing around, he could answer that by himself.

"There's your food." I acknowledge coldly with my eyes hard on Hades.

He walked over and sat on his bed. His hair was a bit of a mess, making me wonder what exactly had happened.

"Is that food?" Blossom asked. There was a spark of desire in her eyes as they stared at the three bowls on the tray.
Using the edges of the bed, she walked around it and sat down on it facing us. "May I have some?"

"I'm not your maid." I shot annoyed.

Her eyes darted up at me, they bore a mocking flare. "Darling, you're not yet a goddess till the Supreme god acknowledges your existence and an ascension ceremony is held. So run along and get-"

"I'll go get it." Hades spoke up out of the blues.

"You?" Blossom wondered throwing him an amused gaze.

"Yes me. I'm her divine messenger."

Blossom snorted and rolled her eyes.
"That's not possible."

"Do you want the damn food or not?"

"Well..." She humbled herself, "I do."

Hades attempted to rise, but he fell back on his ass from what I presumed was exhaustion and hunger.
Why hadn't the water worked?

Dismissing my dignity, I offered to fetch her food in his stead.
I was partially responsible for her 'coma'. And the sooner she can restore her strength, the sooner she can get the hell out of my house.

When I got back in the room with Blossom's food, I once more found the two in a compromising situation.
This time, Blossom was beneath Hades and her shirt was missing some upper buttons, exposing a huge part of her cleavage.

An unexplained rage flooded my chest and the food dropped. The bowl smashed to pieces, spilling the hot soup on my feet, but that didn't bother me at all as what I was looking at.

Blossom ignored me and pulled Hades down to her by the neck of his t-shirt.
"This one is quite handsome little girl. I think I will keep him." She declared and started trying to kiss him.

As if someone else had took over my body, I felt myself walking over to them and pulling Hades from Blossom's clutches.
She followed, getting up on her feet, just in time to receive my fury-concentrated slap.

Her head whipped the side to the impact of my strike. Her hair sprayed all over the side I had slapped.

"I don't give a shit what you are, but he's mine." I hissed pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Yours?" She repeated facing me.
"Deities can't love darling." She mocked as her hand massaged the pink imprint left by my hand.
"And I'm doing you a favor. He'll be in good hands."

I bit my lip, feeling extreme anger. The anger stirred the purple glow in my chest. But before the destructive energy could be released, Hades grabbed my waist and spun me to face him. He cupped my cheek with one hand and leaned down to press his lips on mine.

The sudden and unexpected kiss blew away my anger, and I found myself weak to his show of affection.

But our little heavenly moment was interrupted when someone masculine cleared their throat. It sounded so much like, Castor.

I jumped back and covered my mouth while my cheeks blushed fiercely.

"Mel?" Castor called. His tone held an underlying speck of anger.

I glanced to the side at him, while hiding behind the red curtain of my hair. He looked so pissed, ready to tear someone apart piece by piece.

His murderous scowl shifted to Hades.

"What was your name again?"

There was a little pause.
"Hades." He answered boldly.

Castor walked in with the most intense frown to ever exist. "Hades?" He asked stopping next to him. They faced each other and the tension grew more thicker than before he showed up.

"Why did you choose that name?"

"Because I like it." Hades replied with a smug.

"Does Mel like it?"

Hades snorted at Castor, and both gazed at me, awaiting for an answer.
I hated being the center of attention. And this little faceoff was doing exactly that.

"I like it very much. Reminds me of the king of the underworld." Blossom voted, earning Castor's 'shut-the-fuck-up' glare.

"Mel?" Castor echoed.

"I...do I...do I need to answer that?"

"YES!" The two males replied simultaneously.

"Um..." I was afraid that if I said yes, Castor would be annoyed. He didn't seem to like Hades much. On the other hand, if I said no, Hades would feel bad and I'd also be lying.
I did like his name. Unique and perfect.

To escape the situation, I pressed a hand on my chest and faked a spasm.
"Ow!" I groaned doubling over.

Castor was the first to get to me. He attempted to sweep me off the floor, but Hades slapped away his hand and pushed him aside. "I'm her servant. I'll take care of her." He declared and carried me in his arms.

I rested my head on his warm chest, hiding my face as he walked out of the room.
Waaaait, wasn't Hades almost dying like five minutes ago? He now has the energy to carry me without breaking a sweat?

"Where's your room?" He enquired once he stepped on the short hallway.

Looked like we were both good at acting, eh?


"Let go of me!" I hissed scuffling out of Hades' arms once we were alone in my room.

The scene with Blossom was still fresh in my mind. And I was being attacked by jealousy. I mean, she almost kisses him right in front of my eyes.

"What were you doing with Blossom?"


"Nothing? You didn't even fight her when she wanted to kiss you." I cried devastated.

Had it been a wise decision accepting to be the girlfriend of such an appealing male? I did expect other girls falling for him, but not this soon.

"I didn't because I absorbed your energy from her body which was keeping her unconscious."

I gazed at him and no longer knew how to feel about the scene. On one hand, he had helped me, but on the other, I now considered Blossom a rival.

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