Where am I?

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You woke up on a park bench in a semi familiar city. Why did it look so familiar, but so strange? You got an answer to that less than a minute later as a speeding delivery cart hit you. Instead of the vehicle running you over or sending you flying as it should have, it picked you up for the ride.

"What the fuck?!" You yelled, holding on for dear life. You looked to the driver, noticing the familiar red bandana and logo of a pig with a bowl of noodles. "Sorry, but I can't really stop right now!" The driver yelled back.

You heard another familiar voice coming from behind the vehicle, whoever it was yelled something about a staff. You couldn't quite catch it. You sighed before a red and gold staff nearly took your head off, launching you and the driver onto a roof. "Holy fuck!" Was the first thing to come to mind.

The poor cart bounced from rooftop to rooftop for a time, before one of the rooftops gave in and you both fell through. The fall caused your grip to come loose and you fell from the cart, the driver continuing to drive out of the building. "Sorry for crashing into your house. I just got picked up into the mess." You called to the owner as you ran out of the destroyed building.

'Okay, so clearly I'm in the Lego Monkie kid show.' You thought to yourself. You checked your jean pockets to see if you still had your wallet. Luck was apparently on your side, because not only did you have your wallet and phone, but you had enough money to get a small apartment that was fully furnished. 'Even if it's not for very long, I'll need a place to stay. And a job.' You sighed and went off in search of an open position anywhere.

Three hours later as the sun was beginning to set, you walked out of a café with a work shirt and a time for you to start the next day. "Okay, step one, get a job and living arrangement set up, done. Step two, figure out where in the timeline I am, also done." You muttered to yourself.

You spotted a cheap notebook and pack of pencils through a window. "Step three, get everything I know written down in case I forget. And step four, fuck everything up." You grin.


The next day after your shift you decided to get some food at the closest shop to your apartment. To your mix of dismay and joy, it was none other than Pigsy's. You sighed and decided to just go in, besides, it's not like Mk would be there, right?

Wrong. So fucking wrong. He was there, talking to Pigsy about how he was worried about the person he had picked up and promptly lost. You mentally groaned as you sat at the counter. The next thing you know, you're being shaken like a rag doll as Mk recognized you as the person he hit.

"Stop, I'm gonna get shaken baby syndrome." You say, putting your hands on his arms. He lets go, but continues to apologize. "Honestly, it's not a big deal. Besides, it gave me a great area to find a place to live. It's a five minute walk from here to there. Which is kind of suprising, but oh well." You shrug.

"Hey, you should totally hang out with Mei and I." He says excitedly. 'He's like a puppy.' You think to yourself. "I'll think about it." You say before ordering. When you take a bite, your eyes close involuntarily in bliss. Instead of the normal darkness behind your eyelids, you see different color strings. It shocks you enough to open your eyes, but there's no reprieve as the strings are still there. You don't say anything about them, because no one else seems to have noticed them.

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