Time to prepare.

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Macaque stares at you for a second before answering. "Why would you want training from me? I'm sure you could find a better teacher." He says, dropping onto your couch. "I don't have a lot of time to prepare, and getting involved with the Monkey King would probably not be in my best interests, considering that those who are associated with him get a giant target on their backs." You explain, giving a small smirk.

"Besides, I know your training is kind of brutal, but effective. Hell, when you train Wukong's successor, he learns a new move in less than a week." You don't fail to notice his smirk. "So, you think that my training is better than his." He chuckles.

"I guess you could say that. In a sense." You say, fighting off a yawn. He shrugs, "Alright, training will start tomorrow then." He says. You shake your head, but agree anyway. "Alright. I'm going to go to bed. Feel free to crash here, just don't eat all my fruit." You say, giving a wave as you go to your room. You get ready to sleep and promptly flop onto your bed.

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You groan as your alarm goes off. "I hate waking up early." You mutter, getting your work clothes ready. You take a quick shower and get changed. You go out into your living room, seeing that Macaque wasn't there anymore. You give a small sigh, going to your fridge to grab an apple. Only there were no apples. You curse out the shadow monkey. He took every last fruit you had before he left.

"I'm going to want a nice, dark fur rug before the end of the week aren't I?" You muse quietly, shaking your head. 'Guess I'll have to pick something up on the way to work.' You think to yourself.

After your shift, you see Macaque waiting for you, leaning against the side of the wall opposite your work. He chuckles as you give a small glare. You approach him, noticing he has a honey crisp apple. "You're a bastard, you know that?" You say, crossing your arms across your chest.

"I didn't eat all your fruit, I just took it. You didn't say anything about that, firecracker." He says.
"Whatever, let's go." You say, rubbing your temples. He chuckles again as you both walk to his dojo.

You regret your decision to have him train you almost immediately. "Come on, firecracker, surely you can give more than that." He says, deflecting your fist. Your arms feel like jelly and you're almost positive that your legs are bruised from how many times he's swiped them from under you.

You grit your teeth, saving your breath as you throw a left hook. He catches it, but you immediately see an opening, going for an upper cut. His tail swipes your legs out from under you again. You mutter a string of curses as you struggle to stand. You attempt to get up again, legs buckling. Your legs completely give up and you go tumbling.

"I think that's enough for today, unless you think you can try again." He taunts, standing over you. You grit your teeth, before forcing your over used muscles to work as you stand. You're breathing harder than normal as you get back into the basic stance. He has yet to lose his signature smirk. You still want to wipe of his face by getting one hit on him. Just one and you'd let yourself rest.

After two more rounds, he tells you to take a break. Your arms are shaking as you sit. You feel spasms in your legs, head resting against the wall. Macaque has disappeared to somewhere else in the building. You can't really find it in yourself to care at the moment. You're panting. You still can't get a single hit on him.

You know it's unrealistic to be able to land any kind of hit on him on the first day of training, but you sigh, feeling a bit disappointed. Your eyes are closed as you try to regulate your breathing. The clothes you had changed into once you both had got here are at least comfortable.

You let out a yelp when you feel something cold press against your throat. Your eyes snap open, your hand immediately grabbing the wrist of the person before you realise that it's Macaque with a bottle of water in one hand and a mango in the other. You sigh, relaxing as you take the water. "Thanks." You mumble.

"Can't believe you didn't think to bring your own water bottle." He says before biting into the mango. "I thought I had put it into my bag before I left." You give a huff. He chuckles again. You mutter something unintelligible as you open the bottle. You take a drink, thinking about how long you had to change things.

"So," he starts, "how long until the next event?" You shrug.
"I have no clue." You say quietly. "There's never been an answer to how far apart the events are."
"Great." He mutters. You notice something around your wrist. It looks like a violet bracelet, until you turn your wrist over and notice that it's connected to the monkey sitting next to you.

"Oh shit. How the hell did this happen?" You mumble. He looks down and sees the braided string connecting to you both. "What the fuck did you do?" He glares.

"I don't know. It wasn't intentional." You snap at him. You can feel his anger clashing with your frustration as you try to undo the connection. As you try, the strings get more tangled, eventually trapping your hands. You mutter out another string of curses. Macaque has been glaring off into nothing until he feels the string moving. He looks over to you as you're trying to pull your hands free.

The scene is something he hadn't expected. It seems that the more you try to fight to get free of the strings, the more they move up your arms. It's suprising enough that he busts into a genuine laugh. The sound catches you off guard as you freeze and look at him.

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