Troubles come early.

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You stare at Macaque for a second, mouth open in awe. "Did I just make you laugh?" You ask, eyes wide. His laughter stops, having been caught. "Whatever, don't treat it like it's that big of a deal. I was laughing at you, not with you." He scoffs.

"Hm. If you say so." You smirk, string forgotten for the time being. He rolls his eyes, gently shoving you. "Just get yourself untangled so that this stupid string connecting us can be undone." He says. You laugh lightly, albeit nervously. "Yeah, about that. I don't the string will let me undo it. I just can't fathom why." You say, trying to pull your arms apart. The string tightens it's grasp in response.

"Come on, let go." You grumble, glaring at the string. After struggling with it some more, you eventually manage to wrench one of your arms free. "Finally. Gods, I think that was harder than your training." You say, rolling your arm to ease the tension that had gathered in your shoulder.

"Can't you control them? I mean, you managed to force the bond from her to let go." Macaque notes boredly.
"Yeah, you'd think that, but it seems as though things are a bit touch and go with them." You say, looking away from the shadow demon. You notice that the string starts to slowly unwrap from your arm as you stop trying to undo whatever bond it made.

"Maybe the connection is important for the future or something." You theorize.
"Like what?" He sneers.
"How should I know? It's the future!" You exclaim, throwing your arms up. He growls at you. "Stop yelling."
You shove his face away somewhat gently. "I'm sorry, but ask stupid questions, get answers yelled." You roll your eyes.

He swats your hand away before tackling you, wrestling your arms to your sides. "You should know what I can do." He threatens lowly.
"Oh believe me, I know what you can do, Macaque. You could tear me apart right here and now. You could, but I don't think you will." You taunt. You know you shouldn't taunt the demon, it's a sure fire way to die, you know, but you can't stop the words from spilling out of your mouth.

"I don't think you will, because I'm the first person who hasn't been afraid of you, and that makes me interesting to you." Your words are nearly a growl. He glares down at you, seemingly mulling something over. "If you think that I won't kill you just because of that, you must be delusional." He finally concludes.

You can't help the laugh that spills from your lips. "Delusional? The only delusion here is that I'd let you kill me without a fight."
"You're starting to sound like him." His words are sharp. You try to buck the demon off of you, but he doesn't budge. "It's not intentional, you know." You grunt. He doesn't seem to believe you, his grip tightening. You stop struggling, your muscles are exhausted.

You sigh and decide to just stare up at the monkey on top of you. A thought pops into your head. "Hey, do you actually have six ears? Or are they metaphorical?" You ask. Your question catches him off guard. "Where the hell is that coming from?" The look he gives you is filled with suspicion.

"Well, you're stronger than me, my muscles feel like they're dying, and I can't break your grip on me. The question just popped into my head and now I'm curious." You deadpan. He lets go, shaking his head. "You're bizarre." Is all he says before disappearing into your shadow. You get up and start heading for your bag. "Well, that's gonna bug me now." You mutter as you leave, unaware of being watched.

You walk home, thinking about the enigma that is Macaque. You know that in the stories he's described as having six ears, but in the show he's only ever shown to have two. You shake your head, trying to ignore the curiosity for now. You notice that the sun has long since set, the stars making themselves known.

You don't notice the bird sitting on a lamp post, it's eyes following you as you walk underneath it. "Stupid monkey, making me curious and then disappearing." You mutter without malice. A small smile settles on your face as you approach a 24 hr convenience store. You pull out your wallet, trying to count how much cash you have left. Coming to the conclusion you have enough for some fruit, your smile widens into a grin.

You walk out of the store with some more apples and some grapes. "It's a start to getting my fruit salad breakfasts back." You say to no one in particular. The bird follows you unseen to your apartment. Your apartment is on the fourth floor of the building, but thankfully there's an elevator.

You him a small tune as you open your door and walk in. You put the newly acquired fruit into the fridge before taking a shower and getting ready for bed. Before you can face plant into your pillows, you notice an envelope on your nightstand.

"Who the fuck breaks into someone's house just to leave a letter?" You grumble. You open it and read the contents before your blood runs cold.
The note itself doesn't seem to be threatening, but the signature at the bottom has you paling. It's from the Mayor.

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