What should I do?

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(Double update because I can and the brainrot won't leave.)

You pay for your noodles and leave the restaurant. As you step out into the growing shadows you get assaulted by sheer number of strings. "Gods, this is messing with my eyes." You mumble.
"What is?" You hear behind you.

"Jeebus, Mk, don't sneak up on me like that." You say as you look behind you. The boy rubs the back of his head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." He mumbles.
"It's alright." You say, "What's bothering my eyes is that there's a bunch of strings everywhere, they're glowing and it doesn't seem like anyone else can see them." You say.

He looks excited. "Do you mean strings of fate?!" He exclaims. You shrug.
"I dunno, maybe? They're all different colors. Yours is red and yellow, there's a golden one, a pink one, a blue one, a green one, and a purple one. Just to name a few. Hell, there are some that are colors I've never even heard of before." You rub your eyes.

"Anyways, I gotta get home, I've got a shift tomorrow." You say, waving as you start to walk home. He waves goodbye as you do.

On your way home you feel like you're being watched. 'Well, that was fast.' You think, noticing a darker shadow out of the corner of your eyes. "Maybe I could..." You let your sentence trail off as you think about what you could do to break her hold on the shadow monkey.

You open your door, not missing the shadow that crept in behind you. You sigh. "Come on out, I know you're following me." You say quietly. You know how sensitive his hearing is. You've read the stories. And even though the show never really touches on it, you know he can hear you.

A chuckle brings you out of your thoughts. "My my, what a firecracker you are." A deep, smooth voice says. You repress a small shiver as you sigh again. "Macaque, yes I know your name, no I will not tell you how." You say, looking at the dark furred simian.

You're not expecting him to look as soft as he does. 'Damn, he looks like he'd make a good pillow.' You think to yourself. He smirks at you as you cross your arms and lean against your kitchenette counter. "So, I assume you want something. Otherwise I wouldn't have caught your attention." You say.

He doesn't respond for a second. "Well, I could say that I'm just here for a friendly visit, but you're right. I do want something." He says, holding up the 'journal' you had written the timeline in.

"Ah, that. Well, it's a possible timeline. Most things will happen or have happened. But there's one thing I want to prevent." You say, grabbing the notebook from him and flipping to the page of the demon bull family getting the key. "This will lead to major death and the destruction of everything." You say, motioning to it.

He steps up to it and looks it over. You notice that he seems to subtly favor his left side. You don't want to think about how his right eye was blinded. You let him read what the page says, noticing a string that's connected to his neck. It's an off whiteish color, the color of bones. You glare at it and see how it's tied at the back of his neck.

You get an idea and go up to the string, you grab it, ignoring the cold. You give it a little tug towards Macaque, keeping a firm grip. The person on the other side gives a tug back. You fail to notice that Macaque is now watching you. You close your eyes and focus on the string and where it's tied. You slowly let your mind move to the knot.

You start trying to unravel it, making sure to not let the person on the other side know what you're doing. The knot resists, making you frown. You put more of your will into making the knot unravel. After a few minutes of forcing it to be undone, you open your eyes, seeing the string hanging limply from the side of your hand. You chuckle and let go, letting the string fly back to its owner.

"You don't have to worry about her hold any more." You look at him, finally noticing that he's been staring. Your legs feel like they could give out at a moment's notice, and you can feel a headache forming, but you give him a smile anyway. "What do you want in return?" He asks, an edge to his voice.
"I won't demand anything, but would you be willing to teach me to fight?" You ask.

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