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THE PARTY hadn't even started when Phoebe arrived, so she stayed with Natasha while the redhead got ready

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THE PARTY hadn't even started when Phoebe arrived, so she stayed with Natasha while the redhead got ready. The teen had played her favourite music for her, dancing around the room, which made Natasha laugh loudly. When Phoebe held a hand out for her, she shook her head with a smirk, but Phoebe used her strength to pull her up with her. Natasha laughed, but danced anyway. Steve went to check up on them, as they were taking a long time to get ready and guests were starting to arrive. The door was closed, so he knocked. As soon as the door opened, he was pull into the dance himself, while Natasha stepped back to finish touching up her make up.

"You have so much energy. I'm exhausted from just looking at you." Natasha told Phoebe, making Steve laugh. The music died down, and the captain leaned by the door as Phoebe sat on Nat's bed.

"I'm excited. It's the first time I'm allowed to come to one of Tony's parties." Phoebe replied, her legs swinging at the rhythm of the now low music.

"As if that was a good thing." Nat muttered, remembering her first party at Tony's. Shaking her head, she turned to Phoebe, "If something blows up, stay close to me."

Her words alarmed Phoebe, whose eyes widened in horror, "Things usually blow up at Tony's parties?"

Steve chuckled in amusement, "Things usually blow up with Tony." Nat laughed at his comment, knowing the two of them often disagreed. "Let's go, ladies. They're waiting for us." He held both of his arms, so they could each grab one.

"You're such an old man." The teen said, but went to his side anyway.

"Phoebe, play nice." Natasha smirked, although she would've made a similar comment if the girl hadn't done so before she could.

Nothing had blown up yet, which Phoebe was glad about. There was no one of her own age, so she was always with one of the Avengers. They didn't mind, thinking of her as more of family than a co-worker. Steve and Sam had invited her to play pool with them, and it was safe to say that she was winning. She leaned down, grateful she was wearing dark blue suit pants or the entire party would've seen her underwear. As the other outfit she had in mind was basically a short dress. She also wore a white button up shirt with short sleeves. The top buttons were open, with a vest that matched her pants above. She thought she had dressed fancy, until she saw that everyone wore similar things.

When her eyes caught the last ball, she realised it was very unlikely she would make it this time. But if she wouldn't, Steve probably would. Far away from their ears, she whispered, "Come on, little spiders. Help me out." Her eyes stayed on the ball as a spider came from one of the holes of the table, she grinned as she hit the ball, the spider pushing it swiftly towards the nearest hole. Jumping with excitement, Phoebe laughed as the two men stared at the table in shock.

"How?" Sam stuttered, turning to Steve who shook his head.

"I have no idea." Steve squinted his eyes, absolutely confused, "She didn't cheat, we would've seen it."

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