04. castles crumbling

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PHOEBE changed into regular clothes as well as Natasha

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PHOEBE changed into regular clothes as well as Natasha. The others had their clothes from the party, and Maria had Steve's jacket over her shoulders. Which didn't go unnoticed by the redhead. Phoebe, who had encountered Thor when her pants ripped and she took them off in the middle of a hallway, thinking no one would be around, said loudly as she entered the silent laboratory, "Now Thor saw me without pants. Jesus, this day can just go right to hell." Natasha patted her back as she passed by, and the teen nodded in appreciation.

Steve looked at her in confusion, "Why are you still here? You should be home, with your family."

She ignored him, sitting on a chair casually. Tony had his back to the team, "She is home. And she is with her family." Steve heard him, but didn't make any further comment. Tony's eyes stayed put on one of his broken robots.

Then, Phoebe decided to say to Steve, "Look. I get it. But I'm not bailing out of this one. I should've stopped them from creating Ultron, I even gave them some ideas. This is partly my fault, so I'm not leaving until I help you fix this." Steve was taken back by her maturity, quickly remembering all she had grown up doing. Natasha nodded proudly at the girl, winking at her before her attention went back to the iPad she was holding.

Maria chuckled, "More mature than most people here. Refreshing." She mumbled under her breath, making Clint chuckle as he was nearby and heard.

"What can I do?" Phoebe asked Steve, who pointed to one of the computers.

"We need to find out which files and data he entered. Think you can do that?" Steve wondered, his eyes curiously staring at her as she scoffed.

"Of course." She turned around in her chair, her fingers immediately tapping on the keyboard, "You're looking at the Red Room's best hacker." She said smugly, the room turning silent again. The teen winced to herself, "Not funny?"

"Not for us, no." Steve nodded, giving her a sympathetic smile. They were used to her making comments like that, as it was her way of coping with everything that happened to her. Natasha watched as she shrugged while turning back to the computer, keeping her eyes there. She only saw a version of herself, which she didn't know whether it was sad or not.

Bruce's voice caught her attention tho, and her mind took a break of thinking of her past, "All our work is gone. Ultron cleared out. He used the Internet as an escape hatch."

"Ultron." Steve muttered, his eyes going to Tony as he refused to talk.

"He's been in everything. Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other." Natasha informed, glancing at Phoebe's computer over the teen's shoulder. Her last phrase made the Spider-Girl tense, and Nat could take a guess as to why. Her same reason to worry about this. Everything they did while working for the Red Room. Well... While being kidnapped by the Red Room.

"He's in your files, he's in the Internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rhodes wondered aloud.

"Nuclear codes." Maria said in realisation.

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