06. haunted

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UPON arriving at their destined location, Clint led the team towards a nice house

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UPON arriving at their destined location, Clint led the team towards a nice house. They were in the middle of nowhere, which washed Phoebe with calmness, as she knew they wouldn't be bothered there. She could imagine where Clint had taken them, as he had shared his secret with her once. Looking at said man, who held Natasha while walking forward, she wondered how could he do it all. Phoebe didn't know for how longer she would enjoy this job, but if she started a family of her own, she knew she didn't want to put herself in danger over and over again. She would never forgive herself if she ever let her family behind. What would become of May and Peter if she died? Better not to know.

Ahead of her, Thor and Tony walked side by side, the former wondering, "What is this place?"

"A safe house." Tony replied, although he didn't really know. He glanced back at Phoebe, who walked besides Bruce.

"Let's hope." Clint sighed as he opened the front door, letting them all into his home. He walked into the living room, saying, "Honey? I'm home." A pregnant woman came into view, Phoebe's eyes widening as she stared at her swollen belly. "Hi." Clint smiled, while she inspected the crew that followed him. "Company. Sorry, didn't call ahead."

"Hey." She said softly, both reaching to the other for a sweet kiss.

"This is an agent of some kind." Tony told Thor, making Phoebe raise her eyebrows. She stood between him and Bruce, the latter sulking in a corner still.

"Gentlemen, this is Laura." Clint spoke up, now both and his wife looking at the team. He still had an arm around her waist, which Phoebe stared at with curiosity.

"I know all of your names." Laura chuckled, and the team smiled at her. Tony raised his hand slightly in greeting, and Phoebe smiled awkwardly. Everyone's attention then went to the staircase near the entrance, footsteps being heard from where they stood.

"Ooh. Incoming." Clint approached the wide door, as two kids - his kids - rushed towards him.

The little girl was pulled into her father's arms, "Dad!"

"Hi, sweetheart! Hey, buddy." Clint said as he wrapped an arm around his son, kissing both of their heads. "How are you guys doing? Look at your face!"

"These are smaller agents." Tony commented, not believing his eyes.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Lila, the little girl asked. Her father gasped jokingly, while Nat seemed to perk up at the mention of herself.

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Nat came forward, now the girl jumping into her arms.

Steve's eyes caught Phoebe's watery ones, the girl not being able to tear her sight off of the Barton family. It wasn't until she felt her chest tightening that she left with quick steps. "Excuse me." She muttered as she passed by them. Clint stared after her in worry, exchanging a glance with Nat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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