January 3rd, 1998

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So they told me to go to the back room . Little did I know but my kidnappers had a 13 year old boy! One man told me to sit on the bed so he could tell me the rules!

"Now little miss-"

"Um I have a name and its not little miss because one I am not little and I am not a miss you will call me by my name"! I snapped back

"Ok then what is your name"?

I hade to lie and tell them a fake name I was never going to tell them my real name!!

"My name is Emily Ross , and your name is"?

"We'll my name is Robert Tony and this here is my boy Tyler Tony"! He said

"Ok so before I get started do you have any questions"? He asked

"Yes, how long will is stay here?" I answered

"Well if you do what we ask then you will be here for a total of 42 days if you don't do what we ask then you will be here longer! He said

So he told me all of this rules for a total of 15 mins. And then left ALONE in my room with Tyler . All I was thinking was oh great!

"So your dad a kidnapper that must be something to be proud of"! I asked

" very funny , I am laughing on the inside and out "


"So for 42 days you will be my girlfriend"! He said

"WHAT! I have been here for 20 mins. And you already want be to be your girlfriend I think we are rushing things a bit don't you think that we should get to know each other 1st. I asked

"Are you saying No?"

"No I am saying can we at least get to know each other for a week while I am trapped in this house anywa-"

And then all of a sudden Tyler is locking lips with me ! I don't know what to do or think I don't even know him and he already wants to kiss me!!

The kiss lasted for a good minute or two and then I finally said something

"What is the matter with you"? I said very mad

" what"! He said like he had done nothing

" do you do this with very girl your dad as kidnapped"?

" no just the hot ones"!

"Ok then "! I answered feeling groused out on many levels

"So can we do actually talking as in speaking and not this lip locking shit "?

"Sure why not "?


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