January 13th,1998

584 8 0

Hey guys sorry that the parts are late and things like that I have been really busy so I am going to try to get 2 parts up today !!

"Well..." Walter said

"Well how did you find my house?" I added

"Well I asked Amy and she told me!" Walter said

"Can you come outside" Walter asked

"No." I said

"Wh-" he wanted to ask

" hey listen Walter is was nice talking to you but I have to go my mom really needs me , bye" I say and hang up the phone

I knew that right when he asked if I can come outside I had to say no because I am not going outside for two reasons first I don't talk to Walter that much so I don't really know him to well and second I am still very scared!! Now that I am done talking to Walter I need to call Amy to find out what the hell is the matter with her!!

(Phone rings)

"Hello!" Says Amy


" what are you talking about? And girl you need to stop screaming!" Amy asked

" um.. You gave that weirdo Walter my ADDRESS!" I said

"Yea so" Amy said

" yea so that's all you have to say for your self u mean really Amy come on I just got kidnapped and you are giving some random guy my address!" I said

" we'll your home now!" Said Amy

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