9: A Letter From Home

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Relief washed over the already tired students as the bell rang for the last time. The once quiet halls turned lively again as students dashed out of their respective classrooms and lecture rooms. Carriages both owned by nobility and for hire carriages lined up outside the academy's entrances.

As Amelia headed towards the south entrance, where her carriage waited, she unexpectedly was greeted by a familiar face.

Her eyes brightened as she shouted, "Brother!"

Ver instinctively reached to hold his sister's bag. With his unoccupied hand, he opened the carriage door and then held it out for her sister to hold on to as she went inside the carriage with ease.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you staying at the dorms tonight? Have you decided to go back? Have you encountered problems at the dorm?" She asked as soon as she sat down.

Ver chuckled at her enthusiasm. After sitting across from her, Ver patiently answered her questions one by one, "I'm here for a free ride home, It depends on how long father will scold me, and no, I haven't encountered any."

"Is that so? I thought you'd come back.... never mind." Her head cast down as she attempted to hide the disappointment in her eyes.

Ver pretended not to notice and asked, "Have you finished your recent commission?"

"Halfway done."

"Taking a break?"

"No, I ran out of paint."

Ver smiled as he opened the small hatchet on the front and ordered the coachman, "Stop by at the market."

Amelia raised her head.

Before Amelia could open her mouth to ask, Ver explained, "Buy more paint."


"Don't worry, my talk with father isn't that urgent." Ver then watched as a small smile bloomed from her sister's lips. His gaze softened at the sight.


As the carriage stopped Ver first got out. He held his left hand out for his sister to hold as she descended the carriage. Amelia excitedly held his hand as she jumped out.

"Let's go this instant!" She cheered as she pulled her brother towards an old art shop.

Ver smiled as he let his sister drag him inside the shop and into several isles.

As Amelia picked out the paints she wanted, Ver looked around and saw, at the very back of the bottom shelf, a purple jewel less vibrant than any F-grade magic stone.

'Since when did an art shop sell jewels?' Ver thought to himself as he grabbed the purple jewel. With just a touch Ver raised a brow.

The jewel was cut poorly into a pentagon and was covered in dust and soot.

'Strange.' Ver thought as he wiped it with his sleeves.

"Brother, found anything that interest you?" Amelia asked as she carried a basket full of all kinds of art materials.

"I'm buying this." Ver said as he threw the jewel into the basket.

"That's...it looks ugly."

"I know. I'll give it to Sonny as a gift."

"He won't accept it. Maybe he'll even throw it at you."

"Then I'll throw it back at him."

Amelia smiled helplessly.

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