Rico Lewis

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It's the day of the champions league final Manchester City vs Inter Milan in Türkiye and Rico kept telling me to stay at our place as I just gave birth to our baby girl Cleo 7 weeks ago and her passport hasn't arrived yet but the day he left to prepare for the final her passport arrived.

So I decided to surprise him even though he wouldn't be happy with me travelling with Cleo at such a young age.

And it would be the first time the team would see her but i got help to surprise him, so I got Kevin's wife help me with it all.

We arrived to the stadium where the match is being held and Cleo was fast asleep I was sat with Michele and their kids while Cleo was asleep on me as we heard a cheer as the boys walked out to warm up.

But I tried to keep my distance so he couldn't tell I was here, I went into the box so it would be less quiet for Cleo, as she started to wake up from the noise.

"Hey you all good?" Michele asked me.

"Oh yeah all good" I said to her while giving her a smile.

"Is this the first time the team is seeing Cleo?" She asked me.

"Yess it is" I said while forcing a smile.

"What's the matter?" She asked me concerned.

"Oh nothings wrong why would you ask?" I said to her while rocking Cleo back and forth, then she raised her eyebrows, "okay maybe I'm nervous" I said quietly.

"Why you nervous?" She asked me.

"Well you know we both our young and we have a baby what else" I told her.

"Hey everything will be okay if anyone has anything to say let them be they are just jealous and don't let that get to you" she said to me, "now let's get back the game is about to start" she added on, I nodded and walked back to my seat.

It's now half time and it's still 0-0 it's been a really tense match, it also hasn't helped for the past 10 minutes Cleo as been crying so I had to go into the box where there was literally no one so I could try and calm her down but it hasn't worked.

"Shh baby girl" I said as I was rocking her.

"y/n do you want me to hold Cleo?" Sasha jacks girlfriend asked me as she could tell that I was getting a bit stressed.

"I'll take her and you go get some food or a drink for your self" she said to him.

"You sure?" I said to her, "yes y/n" she told me while giving me a smile, i handed Cleo over to Sasha, "thank you" I said as i gave Sasha a smile and walked off.

After 10 minutes I walked back in with a bottle of water in my hand and Sasha was sat down with Cleo just relaxing in her arms.

"How did you calm her down?" I said as I placed myself next to her.

"It toke me a while but got there in the end" she said to me, "does she not calm down for you then?" She added on.

"Well not all the time she always wants Rico or not me, sometimes I have to get one of his shirts and then she calms down" I said while forcing a smile, "I've tried everything to get her to sleep when he's gone away for the night but I guess he just wants her daddy" I added on.

After another 45 minutes the full time whistle blow and Manchester City were champion league winners, I couldn't be more happy for rico and the team.

We all went down to the pitch after they all celebrated and I stay behind and I walked into the pitch and saw Rico standing there with his teammates and he looked at me and froze for a second he ran over to us and gave us a massive hug.

"We are so proud of you babe" I said to him while hugging him.

"I'm so happy your here" he said as he kissed my head, "well someone's passport came right in time" I said to him while kissing him and at the same time Cleo is moving about and kicking her legs.

"You want to go to daddy baby?" I said to her as Rico toke our daughter out of my arms and ran onto the pitch with the biggest smile on his face.

Turns out only be one chapter today thought I would be able to upload more but turns out I was wrong✌🏼

Hope you enjoy!!
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