Trent Alexander-Arnold

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I'm in training for the game for West Ham, myself and my girlfriend are expecting our second daughter any day now.

"Oi Trent all good?" Robbo asked me, "Trent" he said to me again.

"Yeah all good" I told him in fact I wasn't I've been wanting to miss training today just in case something happened with y/n and I won't be there if anything happens.

She's not had the best pregnancy we've been in and out of hospital for the past 3-4 months, first of all we got the scare of the baby not moving and when y/n was bleeding while she was in the early stages.

But I was practicing shooting with robbo and Virgil until I saw someone running towards us on the phone, "Trent it's for you" they told me.

I toke my phone and stood away from them, "hello?" I asked them.

"Daddy" my daughter said to me a bit scared.

"Baby what's wrong?" I said to her confused.

"It's mummy she's on the floor in the kitchen with baby sister" she told me, when she said that my face dropped.

"Okay baby can you wait on the stairs for me and wait for me" I told her, I hung up.

"Trent all good?" Klopp asked me.

"No it's y/n" I told him.

"Go then" he told me, I then ran off as I did I called an ambulance to go to then house.

After a few minutes I arrived back home and saw that the ambulance hasn't arrived yet I'm still in my full training kit, I ran into the house and saw that Ella was sat in the stairs with her teddy.

"Daddy" she ran over to me I picked her up and she straight away hugged me tight, "I'm scared daddy" she added on.

"I know baby but I'm very proud that you called me" I told her as I put back on the stairs as I walked over to y/n on the floor with our daughter.

"y/n babe" I said to her and she didn't answer then.

"Daddy the doctors are here" Ella told me as she pointed to the door.

"Baby can you let them in please" I told her, she then walked over to the door and let them in.

"Over here" I shouted to them, as they walked over.

"How long she been like this?" They asked me.

"I don't know" I told them, when I said that the male doctor just looked at me.

"What do you mean you don't know" he snapped at me, "Mike don't otherwise I will get a back up and you can leave" his colleague told him.

"Can't you just help her I was at training and it was just y/n and our daughter" I told him.

"Yeah we can they are both stable we need to get them to the hospital asap, you both can follow" she told me.

As they got y/n into the ambulance, Ella was looking at the ambulance, "Ella baby mummy and sister is going to be fine" I told her.

It's been around 3 hours and both Lola and y/n are doing well y/n is fast asleep so is Lola on my chest while Ella is sat on the other chair on her iPad, while I heard some voices getting closer.

"Robbo!" Ella said running to him.

"What you doing here?" I asked him confused.

"Came to see my favourite nieces" he said to me, "why did you tell me that my own sister had the baby" he told me.

"Look robbo both y/n and Lola are okay" I told him.


Hope you enjoy!!
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