Todd Cantwell

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I've been dating Todd for about 10 months and we have a 1 month old boy named Alfie.

My dad has been a Norwich supporter since he was a little boy so I grew up a Norwich supporter as well but my mum on the other hand don't like football at all so when I told I'm seeing someone she was over the moon but then that all changed when I told her it was a footballer, on the other hand my dad he was really happy for me.

When I first told my parents I was pregnant after a month of us dating they really wasn't happy with me at all over time it changed for my dad but mum she did say she was happy but I could tell she wasn't.

But Todd he got offered a contract at Rangers F.C which is around Glasgow in Scotland and he decided to take it which I'm happy for him as he wasn't getting the game time he wanted to have here at Norwich.

"Todd babe can you get Alfie ready!" I shouted to him nervously as he walked down the stairs.

"You need to stop being nervous babe" he told me.

"I kno but you know my mum she won't be happy us moving all the way up to Scotland" I said to him, while I got Alfie's bag ready.

"Us?, I think she won't be happy with you two moving" he said to me, I just looked at him.

"Don't say it like that your the father to her grandson" I told him with hugging him.

"We all know your mum isn't the biggest fan of me" he replied to me in between kisses.

"Yeah I know" I said to him while hugging him, "now go get Alfie ready babe" I added on, he then gave me a kiss and went to get Alfie ready.

After a while we pulled up to my parents house as Alfie was asleep, Todd get Alfie out in his car seat we walked up to the door and I was about to knock on the door but then my mum opened it before I could knock.

"Sweetie" she said as opening the door with a massive smile, until she opened the door all the way and swear Todd standing there next to me and her smile faded, she walked off without giving me a hug.

"See I told you" he whispered into my ear.

We all walked into the kitchen where my dad was sat with my mum, "y/n Todd and Alfie" he said as we walked in and gave us two a hug.

"Hey dad" I said while giving me a hug.

"Richard how you doing?" Todd asked my dad.

"All good my son" he said while giving him a manly hug.

We all went into the living room and its was all quite as my mum was holding Alfie like her own, "so mum, dad Todd and I have something to tell you" I said nervously, as Todd placed his hand on my leg.

"Oh please don't say you're getting married" my mum said annoyed.

"What is it guys?" My dad asked us.

I looked at Todd, "well my contract at Norwich is coming to an end and I got offered one at umm rangers fc" he told him.

"Go on son are you going to take it?" He asked him.

"Yeah we all travelling up tonight" he said to him.

"So where is this Rangers" my mum asked avoiding contact from myself and Todd.

"It's in Glasgow honey" my dad told mum.

"No sweetie you can't go all the way to Scottland" she told me.

"Mum don't do this anymore" I told her pissed, as my mum gave Alfie to my dad.

"Do what" she asked me, Todd then toke Alfie off my dad and went into the other room.

"Do this mum, we all know that you hate Todd but can't you just leave it he's gonna be around more often because I love him and he's the father of Alfie and yes all three of us are going to Scotland" I told her annoyed.

"Sweetheart but I just think it's best for Alfie to stay here in Norwich so he'll be closer to home" she said to me.

"So you want Alfie and myself to be here while Todd in up in Scotland and he won't be able to see his girlfriend and Alfie not happening" I told her pissed.

"I'll lead you lot out the door" my dad said to me, "yeah thanks dad" I replied to him.

We were about to leave, "I'm sorry about your mum y/n and Todd" he said to us, as Todd was getting Alfie in the car.

"Well what can you do uhh it's not like she will change her fucking mind is it" I told him trying not to tear up.

He pulled me in for a hug and I just broke into tears, "I just wish she would actually be nice to Todd" I told him.

"I know you don't me to say this but I think you lot moving would help her realise" he told me.

I pulled away from the hug, "well I hope it does" I told me.

I then felt Todd place his hand on my back, "you ready to leave?" He asked me.

"Todd I hope you do amazing but I will still support Norwich but I'll support you as well don't worry" my dad said to Todd.

"Thanks Richard don't think you would" he told my dad.


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