Ben Chilwell

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Your currently at St George's visiting your dad Southgate with your 3 year old daughter Lola and her dad is at the camp as we are doing co parenting but as he's on England camp he hasn't seen his daughter in a while.

"Mummy are we seeing daddy?" She asked me as we were driving there.

"Yeah baby and grand-dad" I told her, as we pulled up.

Once we arrived I got Lola out of the car as she was holding her favourite teddy bear, we walked into the big hall area where everyone was doing social media stuff and I saw Ben recording a video.

"Look mummy it's daddy" she said as she pointed over to Ben.

"Yeah baby it is" I said to her while smiling at myself as I look at Ben needing to tell him something important.

"You okay sweetheart" I heard my dad tell me, "oh hi dad" I said as I hugged him.

"I'm pretty sure Ben will be done soon he's been there a while" he said as he looked down at his watch.

"Yeah Lolas been dying to see Ben" I told him, as I looked down at the floor.

"Hey everything okay?" He asked me.

"Uhh yeah can you keep an eye on Lola for a second I need to go to the bathroom real quick" I asked him, he nodded and I walked off.

As I walked to the bathroom on the way there I went past madders, Ben's best friend and Trent also who was with Marcus.

"y/n, what you doing here?" Madders asked me I then stopped.

"Oh umm here as Lola hasn't seen Ben in a while and I'm here to see my dad" I said forcing a smile, "can I tell you three something and you can't tell anyone especially him" I asked them.

"Yeah sure what's up?" Trent said.

"I don't know how to tell someone that I'm pregnant" I told them nervously.

All three of them looked at me like a was being sarcastic, "really y/n you've already had a kid you should know" Marcus told me.

"Well that's the thing" I said to them.

"What is?" Madders asked me.

"Ben and I had sex James and the condom broke" I told them loudly, when I said that their mouths dropped open.

"And now im pregnant so Ben and I are having our second child and we aren't even together. Ugh" I said as I put my head in my hands and started to cry.

"y/n don't cry I'm sure Ben will be happy about it" madders told me as he hugged me.

"I just don't know what to do at this point I want to have him by my side but I just don't know if" I said the them before I got cut off.

"If what?" I heard someone say, I then turned around and Ben was standing there while holding Lola, I then wiped my eyes, "mummy have you been crying?" She asked me.

"I'm fine baby" I told her.

"Just tell him" madders whispered into my ear, "come on Lola lest go and play some games yeah?" He added on as he toke her away.

"Is there something you need to tell me y/n?" Ben asked me concerned.

"Umm yeah and you can't freak out" I told him fiddling with my rings he toke my hand has he saw me.

"I won't freak" he told me as he held my hands.

"I'm pregnant and it's yours" I told him.


Hope you enjoy!!
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