Brandon Williams

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Brandon pov

I've just came back in from training as we had an afternoon session before our match this weekend and I've got a few messages from my girlfriend y/n

Ik your at training bubba but on your way home can you pick me up some pickles and ice cream?

Yeah course baby what ice cream the one we normally get?

Yes please bubba x

"Bubba?" Someone said from behind me, i then turn around, "I've never heard y/n say that before" Marcus said to me.

"Yeah me neither but hey oh well" I told him.

"Anyway how she doing?" He asked me.

"She says she all fine but I don't know how she is feeling" I told him while getting changed.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"Like I don't think she want to go back into hospital again, after the last few nights she hasn't been herself" I told him.

"Oh shit really?" He said to me.

"Yeah she's been staying in bed most nights, start of the pregnancy she's been fine" I said to him.

"Why don't me and the boys come over yeah and we can brighten the mood up" he said to me.

"Nah I don't know mate I don't think that will be a good idea" I told him while stretching.

"Come on only for an hour or two tops" he said to me.

"2 hour max mate, I better go to the shops to get her fucking pickles and ice cream" I said to him as I walked off.

y/n pov

I've been sat in the couch watching Netflix while Brandon was at training, "I'm back baby" he shouted, I got up and started to walk to him.

"How was training bubba?" I said to him as I gave him a hug.

"Same old same old, how you feeling?" He asked me.

"Yeah expect from the baby keeps kicking my bloody ribs" I said to him, "oh the baby stuff has came and you need to build it" I added on.

"Alright and some of the boys are coming over for a bit if that's okay" he told me.

"Yeah that's okay bubba" I told him, "why don't you go upstairs and build everything and I'll bring up tea" I added on.

"Wait do you think it will be better to wait" he asked me, I looked at him confused for a second until I remembered.

"We can wait til you hear back bubba go get a shower cause I do love you but you stink" I said to him, while kissing him.

As he walked off to go shower I went into the kitchen to make our dinner before the boys came over but then I hear the door go, I walked to the door and opened.

"Hello boys" I said as I opened it.

"You alright y/n?" Sancho asked me as he gave me a hug.

"Yeah I'm getting there, have you lot eaten?" I asked them.

"Nah we haven't yet but I'm gonna make something later" Marcus told me.

"I was about to make Brandon's and I tea do you want me to make you some as well?" I asked them as I started to walk back to the kitchen with them following.

"Well what you making?" He asked me.

"A burger salad" I said to them while getting the stuff out.

"A what?" Sancho asked me, while laughing.

"You've never had one, just wait and see" I said to them both.

I continued to prepare the stuff for the burger salad as Marcus and Jadon was sitting down and chatting while they wait for Brandon, "do you two want a drink?" I asked them, "if you do help yourself with any drinks in the fridge and the cupboards" I said to them.

After a while Brandon walked through in just his underwear, "babe do you know where my shorts are?" I said not knowing Marcus and jadon were here, he then stopped and looked up.

"They are on the radiator in the nursery" I told him.

After a few hours the boys were playing fifa while I was asleep on the couch next to Brandon I woke up after a while and it was around 9pm.

"I'm gonna head up to bed bubba" I said to him with a sleepy voice, I gave him a quick kiss.

"Alright I'll be up in a bit babe" he said as he gave me a quick kiss back, I then walked off upstairs.

I get changed into my pyjamas and went straight to bed, after a while I got up to go to the bathroom, after I came out Brandon as coming through our door, "you all good?" He asked me as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I feel like shit again" I said to him as i leaned my head on his chest.

"Why don't we go to bed and you better tell me how you feel in the morning" he says to him while kissing me.


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