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That stormy night, a tall house, on a rock island somewhere out at sea. The Dursleys, including Harry and Flora have moved there, due to the chaos with the letters. The family is sleeping, with Harry and Flora on the cold, dirt floor with only their aunt's sweater to cover them while Dudley is sleeping on a sofa.

"They're sleeping on the floor?!"

Flora looks towards the stairs and sees Petunia heading towards them with a blanket in hand.)

"I managed to snuck in a blanket for you both...it's not much,but it should keep you warm.",Petunia whispered to the twins as she covered them with the blanket.

"Thank you Aunt Petunia.",Flora whispered to her.

"Yeah. Thank you Petunia!",James told his sister-in-law.

(Petunia then noticed that Harry was not paying attention and decided to check what he was doing.

Harry was drawing a birthday cake which reads, Happy Birthday Harry and Flora.

"If we do live. I'm going to spoil them rotten.",James said and Lily nodded in agreement.

"That's it! When I see Flora again,I'll spoil her rotten!",Kol declared.

Rebekah looked at him amused,"More than you already did?"

"Yes,Kol...if I remember correctly, Flora had to stop you from buying her a Castle.",Elijah told his youngest brother amused.

Klaus scoffed,"Buying? More like compelling."

"So...what I'm getting is that he treats Flora like a princess.",Frank said.

"Oh...indeed he does...Do you remember when he convinced his friends to act as Flora's "guards"?",Finn asked his siblings with an amused expression.

"Ah yes...he said it was because he did want his princess to get hurt.",Klaus said teasingly while looking at an embarrassed Kol.

"Really?",Sirius asked with an amused expression.

Rebekah nodded then she turned back to look at Kol and chuckled,"If I remember correctly, Flora got so mad that she ended up hitting his friends with a stick and not speaking to him for a week. And by then he was practically begging her not to ignore him."

Klaus,Elijah,and Finn also chuckled at the memory that happened in their human years.

"Shut up.",Kol told his siblings embarrassed.

Petunia looks at Dudley's watch, which beeps 12:00.)

The woman then kneels down and sits next to Flora,"It's 12:00...make a wish."

Flora frowned in confusion. But then she noticed the drawn cake on the floor.

"Come on....let's make a wish,Marlene.",Harry told her then both twins blew the "candles" on the drawn birthday cake.

Everyone looked at the screen with sad expressions.

Petunia looked at them sadly. She really wish she could do more. That the twins wouldn't live like this. She didn't actually cared much about what happened to her,but she cared too much about the twins...She raised them. They were her children.

(Suddenly, the door thumps, in sync with the thunder flashing. They all jump.The door thumps again and they jump up and back away.)

They all looked as if they would attack whoever came in.

"To the corner.",Petunia told the children.

(Harry and Flora then huddled together near the corner.

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