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After putting all their stuff on the train,Petunia turned to her niece and nephew,"Are you guys ready to board the train?"

Harry and Flora shook their heads.

They weren't ready. At first they thought they were....but now they know that they're not ready. They're not ready to separate themselves from their aunt.

"Come here.",Petunia told them and the twins walked over to her and hugged her.

After Petunia let them go she gave them a small smile,"You guys will be fine...Promise me you'll have fun. I want you guys to make friends,but also remember to stick together... okay?"

The twins nodded.

"Don't worry,Aunt Tuney. I'll take care of Marlene.",Harry told Petunia.

Flora raised an eyebrow,"You(she points at him) are taking care of me?(she points at herself.)"

Harry nodded.

Flora only smirked at him,"You really must only have 2 braincells....If anything I'm taking care of your dumb arse...I mean,I'm the older twin..I have to take care of my baby brother."

Most of the room smiled at the twin's bond.

"You're only older by 12 minutes.",Harry told her with a straight face.

"Still older,James."

Petunia looked at them fondly. They were all brought back to reality when the train made its final call.

"Okay...you need to get on the train.",Petunia told the twins.

Harry hugged her first,"Bye Aunt Tuney, take care."

Petunia hugged him back,"Take care,Harry. Don't forget to send me letters."

Harry smiled at her,"Will do." After they let go,Harry turned to Flora,"I'll go get a compartment for us."

Flora nodded. As Harry walked away, Petunia hugged Flora,"Take care of yourself,Flora...Also remember to take care of your brother...Remember to send me letters."

Flora let go of her aunt and smiled at her,"Don't worry,Aunt Tuney...I'll send you letters and take care of James...but also promise that you'll take care of yourself."

"I just realized.",Frank said making everybody look at him,"Petunia will be all alone with Vernon and Dudley."

This made many look at the younger Petunia a bit worried. She would no longer have the twins with her,meaning that Vernon would most probably turn abusive all over again.

"Will do Flora...now go get on the train before it leaves you behind...",Petunia told her.

Flora nodded and walked away,"I love you too,Aunt Petunia."

Petunia smiled a bit when she heard that. It had been so long since she heard those words,even from her own sister.

"You should smile more...you have a beautiful smile.",Finn told her making Petunia blush a bit.

Petunia shook herself out of thought. Why was she blushing? She was a married woman. Plus,she was sure Finn was only being nice to her.

As Petunia saw her niece get on the train,she sighed and muttered,"I don't know if you can listen to me,Lily...but I did my best. I sheltered them from the problems in the Wizarding world while still telling them about them...I did my best in telling them all about you and all about what I knew about James...I did my best in teaching them morals...I did my best.

Lily turned to her sister,"You did your best. And I will never be able to thank you enough for that."

I will continue teaching them what I can. I will protect them the most I can from anything that comes their way....but Lily,I need you to take care of them...I don't want this new world to hurt them.

"Why would the Wizarding world hurt them?",Sirius asked confused.

"I think Petunia said that because they're famous,Pads. People can be insensitive with famous people, they blame them for any errors that they do. When a famous person commits a mistake,it stays forever with them because people keep bringing it back even if it happens 10 years after.",Remus told him.

Alice nodded in agreement,"That's true...Many will probably also see them as entertainment or judge them because of their fame."

So please,Lily. If you can hear me..please take care of them. They're going into a new world...I just hope the Wizarding world doesn't destroy their bond like it did with ours..Though I doubt it..I don't doubt that those two will be best friends all their lives...

Many in the room smiled. They really did hope that Harry and Flora remained close.

...I miss you a lot Lily..Please take care of Harry and Flora, they are all I have."
This last line made everyone a bit sad for the Older Petunia.

Flora and Harry were really all that she had left. The older Evans had lost almost everything.

She lost her parents.

Her sister died.

She's in a loveless marriage.

She has been physically abused by her husband.

Everyone in the room really hoped that things would get better for her.

Petunia looked at her future self with sad eyes. Her older self was living such a sad life, the only real happiness that she had was the twins.

"It's okay,Petunia. Once we get out of here we'll kill your pig of a husband and you'll be able to be happy again.",Marlene told her and gave Petunia a friendly smile.

"We'll even let you give him the final blow.",Rebekah told Petunia in a joking manner making her smile a bit.

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