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Flora,Harry,Petunia, and Hagrid continue walking down Diagon Alley)

"I've got to admit,Diagon Alley looks absolutely magical.",Kol said.

Rebekah hit the back of his head,"That's the point,you idiot. That place is litteraly a shopping center for many witches and wizards."

"Ow! Rebekah!"

Petunia laughed at bit while watching the interaction. When he heard her laugh,Finn smiled a bit.

"Quick question...how are we going to pay for all this? We don't have any money.",Harry asked Hagrid and his Aunt. Flora nodded in agreement. She also wanted to know how they would pay for all of this.

"Well, there's your money, Harry.",Hagrid told the boy then he points to a tall, white, marble building, Gringotts Bank,"Gringotts, the Wizard Bank. T'aint no place safer, 'cept perhaps Hogwarts."

(Inside the bank, they walk down the shiny aisle, passing tiny creatures working at their desks.)

"What are those things?",Rebekah asked while looking at the creatures with distaste.

"They're Goblins.",Remus answered.

"Uh, Hagrid, what exactly are these things?",Harry asked.

"They're goblins,Harry.",Petunia answered kindly.

"How do you know that?",Lily asked her sister.

"I have my secrets and you have yours.",Petunia told her.

Hagrid looked at Petunia
confused. How did she know all this?

She's a muggle. Then he turned to Harry,"Your Aunt is right..They're goblins, Harry. Clever as they come goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stick close to me and your aunt. (Harry sticks to him while Flora sticks a bit closer to Petunia. Hagrid clears his throat as they approach a counter with a goblin, wearing spectacles and a waistcoat, in it.)Mr. Harry Potter and Ms.Flora Potter wish to make a withdrawal."

The goblin looks up,"And do Mr. Harry Potter and Ms.Flora Potter have their keys?"

" Oh. Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Hah. There's the little devil. (He the  whispers)Oh, and there's something else as well. (Takes out a letter wrapped in a string.)Professor Dumbledore gave me this.

(Hagrid hands the Goblin the letter.) It's about you-know-what in vault you-know-which.",Hagrid said as he gave him the key.

"Great job,Hagrid. Now you made them curious!"

"Very well.",the Goblin nods.
Later, they race down the depth caverns in a cartlike structure. The cart stops, a goblin called Griphook, clambers out,"Vault 687. Lamp, please. (Hagrid hands him the lamp and he walks to the vault) Key please."

"I want to ride one of those!",Kol exclaimed.

"Trust me, they're fun to ride.",James told him.

"Don't forget they're dangerous too.",Lily told her husband.

Kol grinned,"Even better!"

(Hagrid hands him the key and Griphook unlocks the vault. The room is filled nearly top to bottom with coins. Harry and Flora are amazed.)

"And that is not even the main Potter vault.",James said proudly.

"Didn't think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing now, did ya?",Hagrid asked the twins.

"Oh no. We know they did. But we've never seen what they left us.",Flora answered him. And it was true. Petunia had told them that their parents had left them money.

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