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"Thor, stop lying" tears rushed down my cheeks, my life was messed up already, and the fact that my boyfriend didn't even loved me back hurt, it would have been better if we never met, or I wouldn't be able to feel emotions, my hands were already unable to feel the soft sheets of the bed, or the painfully cold ice. Fire had burnt them, but thankfully to the Asgard, I had special gloves, they helped a bit, I didn't burn everything I touched, but I still couldn't control anything.

"Y/N can you just listen to me"

"I was listening, I always was, but you never said anything, so why don't you listen this time okay? I'm done with you Thor Son Of Odin, I'm fucking done, I'm going back to earth, if you really want to see me you can go there whenever you want, but I already talked to some people. I have a place to stay, I have everything I need, and I don't need you there, so just leave okay? I don't want to see your face, you can go off and find..." I stopped, eyes still watering, tears burnt my face. Thor looked shocked at my sudden break down. I could almost regret my next words but I didn't care anymore, if he didn't care about my feelings why should I care about his. "You can go off and find Jane for fuck sake, maybe she will deal with your shit, maybe she will make you feel love towards another person not just yourself." I felt sorry for what I said, but it was too late, I had said it, everyone in the room was shocked, I motioned at Loki that it's time to leave, he just nodded and followed me.


Loki walked next me, he didn't really have a good reputation here, but Fury made sure he doesn't get too much attention in the building, we three walked through long corridors with a few bags of your stuff, Loki wanted to make sure I'm fine being on earth so he wanted to stay with you on your first day. As we finally reached the room we were headed met with the person Fury was leaving me in their care.

"Stark, Tony Stark, nice meeting you" a tall man held out a hand for me to shake, I smiled and shook his hand.

"Y/N Y/L/N nice to meet you, I believe you know Loki." I smiled and Stark just nodded.

"So why do I have to take care of her?" Tony questioned Nick.

Fury started speaking after a minute "Well Y/N here has special abilities she can't quite control, and considering you're smart and rich I thought I should leave her in your hands, now you guys go, I have shit to do, you can play your getting to know kindergarten games at the compound" he stood up and left the room, I followed Tony to his car and so did Loki, he opened doors and told me about the earth, considering I've been in Asgard for the past 4 years, so just in case I don't know something. The trip to the compound didn't take too long because of Stark's driving skills and his inability to drive at the appropriate speed.

I was led to my room the second we got inside of the building. There weren't alot of people inside at this time, I was told Steve Roggers, James Barnes, Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff were out of the building for the next 4 hours, I met with Bruce Banners and Wanda Maximoff the moment I stepped out of my new room, they seemed lovely, my room was next to Wanda's so she was pretty excited, the room on my right belongs to her and on my left was James Barnes.

"Okay so you have to tell me about yourself" Wanda basically yelled at me while she was sat on my bed, I was next to her arranging my stuff in the new room, it was quite big, bigger than I expected if I'm honest.

"Well I can burn everything down if I'm not wearing the gloves, even tho they're not covering my pinky and my ring fingers they don't let me burn anything, which I'm quite thankful, my hands can barely feel anything at this point, and I don't want to be arrested again" we both laughed at the stupidity of my powers

"What's else? What's ur backstory?"

"Well I never lived anywhere for longer than a year, besides Asgard, I lived there for 4 years and now I'm here" I looked down remembering how hurt Thor was when I left.

"Why did you leave? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well I dated this guy for like what 2 years and he never even loved me, he would always forget our anniversaries and my birthday and stuff like that, well I didn't expect him to give anything to me, I'm not used to birthday presents anyway, but at least a congratulations would have been nice, well there was always Loki who would shower me with gifts and stuff, he was the only person in my life who ever did that, I don't even remember my parents, I probably burnt them to ashes or something"

"What about Thor? He didn't celebrate your birthday with you?" I stopped, it felt like the world around me just went dark and the only person left was me, it felt like one of my nightmares, everything around me burnt to the ground by my flames, but it would end sometimes in less than a minute, but mostly it took at least 30 minutes to get myself out of the dream.

"Y/N!" I felt someone hugging me. I suddenly snapped back.

"Sorry I spaced out, and no Thor didn't remember my birthday so he didn't celebrate it with me" I said before Loki walked into my room again.

"Y/N don't talk about my brother, he's the reason you left, so don't you dare leave to Wakanda next" Loki sighed and Wanda understood everything, she knew who I was talking about, and who is the reason I left. But she didn't make a big deal out of it, instead she changed the subject, and we talked until everyone else arrived back at the compound.

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