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"Okay let's go! Y/N needs an outfit for the party!" Wanda was pretty excited and dragged me to the first clothing store she found. Stark and Nat were following us everywhere, Tony literally bought me everything I looked at for more than 10 seconds. Doesn't he have anything else to spend money on?

We walked through the mall for like 5 hours until we decided to go eat. We all ordered simple things, like chicken nuggets, pica and stuff like that, who needs fancy food when you can have something that's simple and still tastes good. On our way to another store we met someone I didn't really enjoy seeing at this moment. "Oh God, Jane! Hi! I missed you so much!" I spoke even tho it was a complete lie I didn't want her to feel bad. She was a great person, so why should I say something bad towards her?

"Oh hello guys, how are you? How's your relationship with Thor going? I bet he's really happy to have you"

"Actually-" Wanda spoke until I cut her off.

"Yeah it's going great! I wanted to visit earth for a bit, but he had to stay in Asgard so I'm here without him" I smiled at her.

"Oh I have to go, it was great meeting you, I have a meeting to attend, tell Thor I said hi" she smiled and left.

"You're dating Thor?!" Tony asked. I looked at Wanda, she looked concerned and confused on why I said I'm still with him, honestly I did miss him, he's a great guy.

"Yeah, for like 2 years now" I smiled, Tony and Nat looked surprised.

"I can invite him to the party tonight." Tony implied.

"Oh no, no need he's really busy in Asgard right now, and I don't want to disturb him."

"Oh come on you're his girlfriend, he has to come! It's your welcome to the earth party!"

"Well I think he will come here when he can, don't worry about it, even Loki is busy today so I don't think any of them will be able to come" I reassured Tony to not invite them and he just shrugged.


"Y/N why didn't you tell them that you're not a thing anymore?" Wanda asked me while we were getting ready for the party. "The word will get around, I bet everyone in the compound already thinks you two are a couple."

"I don't know, I panicked alright!" I sighed "now let's go, everyone is probably already drinking"

"Fine, but you will have to tell everyone at some point that you've broken up"

"Fine, now let's go" we went to the main room, Natasha was working in the bar, making cocktails for everyone, I sat down at the bar and asked for a margarita. She nodded and started making it, Wanda was somewhere in the room talking to Vision, Tony and Steve drinking in the balcony, and there were a lot of other people I didn't recognise.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! WHO IS READY FOR THE KARAOKE B B B BATTLE!" Clint basically yelled into the microphone to get everyone's attention, I mean I was up for it so I went there and sat on the couch. First up was Nat and Clint, Nat sang TRRST by IC3PEAK, and Clint sang Main Attraction by Jeremy Renner. Clint won so Nat had to take a shot. Next up was Steve against Bucky. They're like fossils so it was expected for them to go for some 40s music.

Steve went for 'I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire' it was a pretty good choice, considering many people still know this song. And Steve wasn't as horrible at karaoke as I thought.

Then it was Barnes' turn, he went for something that wasn't from the 40's which surprised us to be fair, he started singing 'These Boots Are Made For Walkin' and he was great, a lot better than any of us expected, because he's always alone and grumpy and shit, but Barnes won, so Steve had to take the shot.

Now it was my turn, I went up against Tony, he sang Back In Black by AC/DC

When he finished I stood up, Clint played my song, I was quite nervous, and I was already ready to take the shot, but I still tried. I started singing Havana by Camila Cabello, well it was trending here the last time I've been to earth so I just went with it, I started walking around the room with my mic trying to make the best impression I can. I started being flirtatious to mach the song, I brushed my fingers over a few people I didn't really notice who and continued singing until the song was over, everyone cheered. I laughed and cheered with them.

"I buy you stuff and this is how you thank me?" Tony said jokingly.

"Well yeah, not my fault that the clothes you bought me makes me more confident, or was it the drinks?"

"No wonder Thor fell for you, maybe your true power is seduction" one of the guests shouted, he wasn't one of the avengers, and I didn't even know his name.

"Cut the crap John!" Sam shouted, "you're lucky to be here so shut the fuck up"

He just rolled his eyes and went to talk with the others. I felt a little ashamed of myself after that and asked Nat to give me another drink.

After a few more drinks Clint called us up once again and everyone voted for who would have the last battle, it was between Clint, Me, Sam, Wanda, and Barnes.

"Okay so we top two areeeee, drumrolls please!"

Everyone started hitting stuff like the table, floor or their legs before Clint announced the final players.

"Y/N AND BUCKYYYY!!!" To be fair I wasn't surprised, me and Barnes don't really get along so they probably want us to become friends. I just looked at the brunette super soldier, still zero emotions behind his eyes. I sighed and asked what song are we doing.

"Seniorita, Bucky will be Mindes and Y/N you'll be Camila." I stood up and took the mic from Clint's hands, I turned around to see Bucky storming out of the room.

"What is his deal? Did I do something?" I asked Steve but he was speechless.

"Well I guess Y/N won" Tony claped his hands once and went back to talking with Steve. I rolled my eyes and got another drink, i'll be wasted tomorrow. I continued drinking until I basically passed out on the couch.


I was woken up by my nightmare, I looked at the clock and it was 4am, my head hurt so much, I wanted to tear myself apart. I stayed in my position for like 5 more minutes until I got myself a cold glass of water and some painkillers. I sat by the table just staring at the wall.

Another person came into the room, Bucky. I looked at him and spoke "the fuck do you want?" I turned to face him.

"Where is your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend anymore." I told him firmly, I didn't really care at the moment, you could beat the shit out of me and I would thank you.

"Why?" He took a glass and sat down next to me.

"Didn't wanna be." I stood up leaving the glass on the table and headed to my room. Before I left Barnes spoke again.


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