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Time went by, me and Barnes made small conversations about little stuff, but it was mostly silence.

"Hey" the waiter looked at me with a smile "just thought maybe you'd like to crash over to my place? You know we could drink some wine or you could lay down on my bed for some fun?" He winked at me, and I instantly got uncomfortable.

"I'm taken actually-"

"OI asshole! You're talking to my girl like that? Do you want your foot down your throat?!" Bucky yelled at the waiter. I was genuinely surprised. "Come on doll, let's go." He took my hand and led me to a sofa in the corner of the party area. HOT

"Thank you..." he sat me down and kneeled down next to me.

"You okay? I swear I'll beat him up if you want me to"

"No it's fine"

"I don't think so, here take my jacket, it's getting cold" he wrapped me inside of his jacket and sat down next to me.

I caught a glimpse of Thor and Jane dancing together, they looked so happy together, and my heart just sank.

"He never..." I started speaking to Bucky "He never looked at me the way... he looks at her. He never felt that way about me..." I felt a tear rolling down my cheek "we never had that, he never loved me..." I looked away from them.

"I did, and I still do." Bucky's words were silent, like he was speaking to himself.

"What?" I whispered just loud enough so he would hear me. By the look of his face he didn't expect me to hear anything.



"Fine, yes I do." He stood up from where he was sitting.

"Say it." I smiled at him

"Say what?"

"Tell me you like me, look me in the eyes and say it"

"Y/N... really?"

"Yes really!"

"Do you even like me?" Everything went silent, and I started remembering everything we did together, all those fights and watching sunrises together like nothing happened 5 hours ago, always making each other look stupid in front of the others, and the morning... the way he wrapped his arms around me, the way his hair fell, his morning voice and how much he cared about me... I did like him, all those butterflies in my stomach whenever he got out of the shower or when he was working out next to me, or just a minute ago by the bar. Oh my fucking God I like him. I could feel my face heat up, he kneeled down next to me again and for fuck sake he was handsome, and he smells really nice, his beautiful blue eyes looking into mine.

I started to nod really fast and he just smiled.

"Okay come with me." He stood up and heald a hand for me to take "take off the jacket, it's gonna get warm" he smiled and I did as he said.

I took off the jacket and left it on the sofa.

When I took his hand he dragged me to the dance floor, ran up to the DJ  stand, took the mic, said something to the DJ and started speaking. "Sorry to cut off your dancing, but I want to say a few words. Thor, Jane, you guys are cute and shit, Thor you're kind of an asshole but who cares, maybe Jane will change you. But I have to take away your moment to make someone else happy. Okay? I don't really care, Seabass, play the track." He put down the mic and ran up to me. "May I have this dance?" He placed his arms on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. The music started playing.

"Seniorita? Are you serious?"

"Yes, I ran away when we had to sing it so here we go"

"Why did you run away?"

"Don't laugh" he took a deep breath "I got flustered okay?! You were singing Havana! You literally brushed your hand against my chest, I didn't want to be a fucking tomato!"

He swayed me around the dance floor, we swayed with the song, not really caring for what was happening around us, the whole time I was looking him in the eyes.

He lowered me, holding me by the small of my back, our faces were really close to each other, he smiled and stood me up, the song ended and everyone cheered at us.

He took my hand and led me back to the sofa, I took the jacket and put it back on myself. "Since when can you dance?"

"I'm from 40's doll"

"I think I have something for people way older than me, but they look my age huh."

"But not all of them has their eyes for you, I believe its just me, Steve is somewhere with Tony, Thor is on the dance floor with Jane, and I have my hand wrapped around you"

"We should get back, I don't really enjoy Thors company at the time, and it's like 8pm so we can leave before it's too late"

"Yeah? I have some unfinished business here, wait here I'll be back in a minute"

"Don't punch the waiter"

"Okay fine, let's go" he rolled his eyes and we got up and left.


"I still can't believe you liked me this whole time" I exclaimed

"Yeah, well you were literally saying my name in your sleep so."

"I did what?"

"Yeah when we were both asleep, you said my name a few times, what were you dreaming about?"

"Well...I. why do I have to tell you?"

"You don't have to, I just asked."

"Okay, well I don't really remember, it was the dream after the nightmare, it happens really often to be honest" I looked at him, he was sat on the kitchen table. "I always dream about a red star falling from the sky, and two strong arms hugging me from behind, I can only sometimes see the person, but never their full face, sometimes it's the lips, sometimes the blue eyes. But nothing much"

"Well did you ever think of finding the person?"

"No not really"

"Why not? If you feel safe while asleep, maybe you'd stop having nightmares if they're around."

"I don't know, the nightmare ending only started when I came back to earth and... OH MY FUCKING GOD" I starred into the eyes of the super soldier in front of me. "How do you calm me down when I'm asleep?"

He chuckled "Well I would start speaking to you like, it's okay, or I'm here, everything is alright and stuff and I would get in your bed and hug you until you calm down"


"Oh wow, you're less stupid than I thought, congratulations"

"How did you know?"


"I feel so stupid!"

"Hey, no! only I can say that!" He jumped off of the table and hugged me "you should change into something else."


"Because you look hot?"


Bucky just raised an eyebrow looking at me like I just said something stupid. "I don't think you want me to occupy the bathroom for the next 8 minutes or so"

"Okay okay, I don't need the details"

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