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We stopped by a lake, there was a cute place for picnics, Bucky opened the door for me a got a basket from the trunk. He led me to a gazebo, there were fairy lights hung around the place. He placed the basket down and got out a speaker and his phone, music started playing and we watched the night sky together, it was 11 pm now, and we were cuddling under the night sky on a blanket.

Another song came up, "I'll Never Smile Again" Bucky stood up and held out a hand, I took it and he stood me up, we started dancing to the song, I heard him hum with the music, I laid my head on his shoulder as we swayed with the music, it was like a movie, I was in love with this man, he heald me in his arms, and I felt safe, I felt needed, I felt loved. He swung me and I spun while holding onto his hand.

Our eyes met every time I looked in his direction, he looked so happy. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder again, we listened to the song and swayed with the music. When the song finally ended, I looked at the lake. And I had an idea. "Wanna go for a swim?"

"We don't have a change of clothes?"


"I don't think you'd like to get your clothes wet by going for a swim."

"Who says I need clothes to swim? It's dark, don't worry about it"

"Well if you say so." Bucky smiled and let me go, I quickly undressed and ran into the water, Bucky getting in right after me, I started swimming and he swam towards me, I finally stopped, I couldn't touch the ground there, I relaxed into the water. James could still reach the bottom so he was basically standing there. I turned towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck to get myself more steady in the water.

"Hello there sergeant, what brings you here?"

"I don't know, I followed a lady that caught my eye, what about you?"

"I don't know, I wanted to go for a swim, but a fine man came here and now I'm resting by wrapping my arms around his neck. Probably would be easier if his arms were around my waist."

"Are you sure, I don't want you to be uncomfortable"

"I'm sure sweetheart, don't worry about it" I smiled and felt his arms finally wrap around my waist, our naked bodies touching, but it felt normal, like it's meant to be this way.



"Can I kiss you?" He asked, staring into my eyes. I giggled at his question, but he was a gentleman after all.

"Yes, you can" I responded and he placed his hand on my cheek and brought my lips to his. He was gentle yet passionate. He brought me even closer if that's possible. Everything around us suddenly stopped, I wanted the kiss to last forever, but we had to let go of the kiss.

His lips left mine and he pressed his forehead against mine. "You're so beautiful" he smiled and I kissed him again, he returned the kiss, but this time it was longer.


We were lying on the blanket cuddling, the sun was rising, and we were dry enough to be dressed again. The sun slowly rose, and he held me close to him. I could feel his heartbeat. "Y/N"


"The sunrise shows us a new day, so can today be the first day of us? Will you be my girlfriend?"

"BUCKY! YES! YES, I WILL!" I turned to face him, he kissed me again. We continued to watch the sunrise until it was fully up.

Bucky took everything because he didn't let me help, he put everything in the car and started driving us back to the compound. The trip back was relaxing, the silence was comfortable, and he held my hand the whole way there. We finally arrived back, it was 6 a.m., and many of the people living there were still asleep, except for Steve, Natasha, and Sam, who always had a strict schedule of working out.

Bucky led me to my room and I invited him to come in.

"Is there something you need?"

"Not really, I just wanted some cuddles" I laid down on my bed "Come here warmth" he chuckled and laid down next to me, I snuggled up to him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"You should take a nap, you haven't slept the whole night."

"Yeah, so should you"

"Fine, now relax, doll, get some sleep" I slowly drifted to sleep. And so did Bucky.

I woke up with no nightmare in sight, it was my first sleep in 4 days or so, and my first normal meal, and I didn't struggle at all, everything was great. I looked at my boyfriend he was sleeping, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I tried getting out without waking him up, but I couldn't he just moved me closer to him and said "No" I giggled at his reaction.

"Bucky we need to get out of bed it's 11 am."

"Can't we stay in bed?"

"Not in these clothes," I sighed "Can I at least change into something comfortable?" He let me go and I quickly got out to change into an oversized shirt and some shorts. Bucky was still in bed waiting for me, while I was changing he didn't even glance at me, HOW IS HE SO FUCKING RESPECTFUL?!

I laid down next to him and he started playing with my hair "You didn't even peak?"

He looked me in the eyes "hm?" I looked at him "No? Why should I?"

"I don't know"

"Even if you are mine, I respect you, I'm not going to watch you change" he kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly for a quick second, then took my left hand into his and started kissing my self-harm scars. "You are beautiful you know that?" I just looked away and he continued to kiss my arm. "We can go if you want to, I still need to change my clothes." I just nodded and he let me go. "If you don't want your scars to be seen I can lend you one of my hoodies" he took my hand and we went to his room, I got one of his hoodies and he changed in the bathroom.

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